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Reading DTR-T1000 HDD from computer

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    junior member
    Joined: Jul '16
    Posts: 7


    My Humax DTR-T1000 YouView box has just failed a few months after the two year warranty.

    I had a lot of recordings on the HDD, so I took it out and connected it up to my iMac with a SATA-USB adaptor. It powers up OK, but the computer cannot read the files on the hard drive as it does not recognise the format. The "Disk Utility" program on the Mac sees a 500GB Drive with name "ST350031 2CS Media" but cannot read anything from any of the partitions.

    Does anyone know if there is software available for the Mac which can read the files form this disk?


    | Mon 11 Jul 2016 22:10:28 #1 |
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    The HD recordings will be on an encrypted partition and can not be recovered.
    You will only be able to recover standard definition and radio.

    The format of the disk is XFS. MontysEvilTwin over at has reported that access is "straightforward" if you use a Linux based OS.

    | Tue 12 Jul 2016 0:27:36 #2 |
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    junior member
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    Posts: 7


    Thank you, this is helpful.

    Quite a few of the recordings are SD so this may be worth doing. I have never used a Linux OS, only Mac and Windows, so if there is any easier way than learning all about Linux then I would be grateful for tips!

    I also know now that it is the PSU board inside the DTR-T1000 that is faulty, the main board is fine. Does anyone know if I can buy a replacement board somehow?


    | Tue 12 Jul 2016 9:00:50 #3 |

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