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Recommendation on Humax Device.

(8 posts)
  1. jpv1960


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    I have just sent my Humax FVP-5000T unit back to Humax-Direct as I was't impressed with viewing of catchup channels, PC connectivity, speed of remote etc...

    I am looking for recommendation on a Humax or any other make of Freeview device that you know works very well and will also allow one to copy recorded programmes onto usb or onto PC/Mac/Unix via network.

    Thanking you all in advance.

    | Fri 22 May 2020 16:42:41 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    For PC connectivity and use as a PVR then an old Humax Fox T2 running modded firmware would be my first choice if I could source one.

    Forget about using online /catch-up services built into the PVR (or TV) and get a Chromecast dongle to use with your smartphone or tablet or a Firestick dongle with these services built in (or a Roku box or similar).

    | Sat 23 May 2020 9:13:33 #2 |
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    Yeh but people have paid for a PVR with these catch-up services and they should work acceptably.

    | Sat 23 May 2020 13:05:15 #3 |
  4. jpv1960


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    I will check out Humax Fox T2 running modded firmware.

    I agree, the catchup services should work.

    I have Amazon fire-Stick, so I can always used that. I have to admin that online and catchup services on some Panasonic Television work very well and also includes BritBox.

    I have a BT Youview device which is really Humax DTR-T2100 and works great except that the USB ports are disabled and I think it does not allow one to play from other network media servers. Each time the disk fills up, I have to remove it and save the files onto external drive. Shame YouView disabled those functionalities on that device.

    Any views on Humax PVR9300T?

    | Sat 23 May 2020 13:21:51 #4 |
  5. gomezz


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    How on earth do you find the time to watch everything you record so that you keep filling up disks?

    | Sat 23 May 2020 15:14:55 #5 |
  6. jpv1960


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    I haven't watched many of the recording yet, one day may be. I have deleted many afterwards thinking why did I record that, or watching first one in the series and thinking, 'this is not for me' so deleting the whole series.

    Perhaps I sent slightly wrong message, I empty the disk once a year, had the unit for few years now.

    | Sat 23 May 2020 15:41:42 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    jpv1960 - 4 hours ago  » 
    Any views on Humax PVR9300T?

    The 9300 doesn't allow copy to USB and does not have network connectivity so it doesn't appear to come remotely close to your criteria. If you want a Humax box with good network connectivity and have ruled out the FVP boxes then a second hand HDR-FOX T2 with the custom firmware would be the most likely way forward. Pop over to to read about what the custom firmware (which runs alongside the standard firmware rather than replacing it) adds to the functionality.

    | Sat 23 May 2020 17:54:35 #7 |
  8. jpv1960


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    Posts: 75


    Thank you Martin and gomezz, I will look into HDR-FOX-T2.

    Your advice is much appreciated.

    | Sat 23 May 2020 18:01:08 #8 |

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