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Record end of program

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    How do I record a program that has already started or that I want to see the end of at a later date?

    | Mon 7 Nov 2016 23:05:50 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Baxy - 47 minutes ago  » 
    How do I record a program that has already started or that I want to see the end of at a later date?

    Press the record button on the remote control. This will start recording from the current point in the program to the scheduled end time. You can modify the end time by pressing the record button a second time which will bring up a dialog to change the end time.

    | Mon 7 Nov 2016 23:55:30 #2 |
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    If you decide you wished you'd recorded it from the beginning you can rewind the live broadcast (up to 2 hrs IIRC) and then press record.

    | Tue 8 Nov 2016 9:16:01 #3 |
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    new member
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    Posts: 2


    Thank you both.
    I was trying to record the programs from the epg like I did on my old recorder of another make by just pressing the ok button and going from there. Hadn't even noticed the red rec button. Oops
    Will have to read the full instructions and not just the quick set up and will put my specs on!!!!!

    | Tue 8 Nov 2016 10:00:27 #4 |

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