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"Record Whole Series" options missing for HD progs

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    Martin Liddle

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    HonestJohn - 4 hours ago  » 
    I'll see how successfully it works at recording and playing back. I'd hope that should work without hitch, but overall it's been a disappointing start so far.

    My experience is that recording and playback are generally OK. The only problem I see is that in situations where the EPG is being updated in real time (typically because of an overrunning sports program or similar) the FVP boxes are slower to implement the changes than the earlier HDR-FOX T2 and you may lose some content.

    | Thu 21 Nov 2019 15:28:11 #11 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    HonestJohn - 11 hours ago  » 
    For anyone who's interested, here's a quick update now that the schedule has rolled forward by a day.
    Links are still all available on the 5000T itself – so no change there. Phew!
    And for the app and the website, the series links options appear to be available for the HD channels with the exception of BBC1 and 2. Which is frustrating since they’re the channels I record most frequently!
    So where are we after a few days usage?

    - Series links are now available on the box itself
    - That was only achieved after a reset of the box and a manual retune as the automatic scan process clearly did not work properly
    - The email support to help me get to that point was exceptional - very fast, to the point and successfully addressed the point. Thanks Ted!
    - The Humax apps are pretty poor in comparison to Virgin's app - no search facility and the series link options for BBC1HD and BBC2HD are still missing
    - The Humax website does have a search facility but is also still missing the series link information for those two channels
    Now that I can at least set the recordings I want, if not in the manner I'd like via a phone app, I'll see how successfully it works at recording and playing back. I'd hope that should work without hitch, but overall it's been a disappointing start so far.

    If you look at the epg what's the highest number channel number you have and what is it's name ?

    | Thu 21 Nov 2019 22:00:39 #12 |
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    grahamlthompson - 1 hour ago  » 

    If you look at the epg what's the highest number channel number you have and what is it's name ?

    Hi Graham, The highest channel number is 733, Trans World Radio. I've done a manual tune of just the three bands (21, 31 and 37) Ted identified that carry HD channels in my area. I then manually deleted the SD channels I wasn't interested in. In short I have no duplicate channels, just 15 HD channels and a spurious radio channel (733) that I haven't deleted yet

    | Thu 21 Nov 2019 23:58:26 #13 |
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    How strange - but good in the end perhaps. While I was checking the programme guide on just now, the BBC1 and 2 HD channels went blank, and contained no EPG data at all - simply blank rows. Then after moving between dates, the EPG data appeared, including the "Record Whole Series" options. Is it too early to hope that this might be fixed? Or is it just a temporary glitch that has corrected the omission?

    | Fri 22 Nov 2019 0:08:38 #14 |
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    Still not working on the app though!

    | Fri 22 Nov 2019 0:10:33 #15 |

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