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Recording and watching different channels

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    Whilst recording two channels on my Foxsat HDR, I notice I can watch a third channel (not recording) However, there appears to be only a few channels available! Are they specific channels or just random and why are only a few available.

    | Sun 30 Sep 2012 9:09:25 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    The FAQ's are your friend

    What can I record and watch

    | Sun 30 Sep 2012 9:30:26 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    This link has the full explanation

    Briefly, Satellite channels like Freeview ones are delivered using a single frequency (Freeview refer to these as Mux (Multiplex), In satellite speak they are called transponders.

    There are two key parameters Frequency and Polarisation (Horizontal or Vertical). Press opt+ while viewing to see the transponder details of the channel you are viewing.

    Two simple rules.

    If you are recording two channels from the same Transponder ( eg BBC1-HD and BBC-HD ) then as your are using only 1 tuner you can not only view any other channel you can live pause it as well. Start two instant recordings on the BBC-HD and BBC1-HD channels and try and watch any other channel (I am assuming you have two coax connections).

    If you are recording from two different transponders then you can view any other channel sharing a transponder with either recording.

    Barry got in with the link while I was typing the epistle

    | Sun 30 Sep 2012 9:34:34 #3 |
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    new member
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    Thanks Barry and Graham for your explanation. And there was I thinking there would be a simple answer. So when I can watch Al Jeera or something obscure, whilst recording 2 channels, does it mean it must being transmitted in the same frequency and polarisation as on of the recording channels?

    | Sun 30 Sep 2012 10:26:47 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    dingaling0 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Thanks Barry and Graham for your explanation. And there was I thinking there would be a simple answer. So when I can watch Al Jeera or something obscure, whilst recording 2 channels, does it mean it must being transmitted in the same frequency and polarisation as on of the recording channels?

    Depends on what you are recording if the two others are on the same transponder as per the BBC-HD BBC1-HD example the other channel you are watching can be anything.

    If you can watch Al Jazeera you could also watch

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    | Sun 30 Sep 2012 11:47:40 #5 |

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