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Recording by itself

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    Hi, I recently bought a factory reconditioned HDR 2000T and am very happy with it apart from one thing--it seems to record by itself!!I keep finding files (of Jeremy Kyle--Ah!!). It doesn't matter how many times I delete the recordings and file, it keeps coming back. The only thing I can say is the machine does not always seem to work the first time you switch on from standby and my wife does switch it on to watch said program in the mornings.She swears she doesn't do anything but select which program she is watching. This is really annoying because said program seems to be on a lot of different channels at different times, which my m/c records. Any ideas, Please.

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 10:06:42 #1 |
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    If you post the exact steps you go throughyour wife goes through when selecting the Jeremy Kyle programme for viewing, chances are the mystery will be revealed.

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 11:20:58 #2 |
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    My wife turns pvr on, then turns tv on. tv screen says/shows no signal so she presses on button on pvr again. this brings picture on screen, she then presses program guide and selects relavent channeland watches it. PVR then decides of it's own accord to record program in a file and then records every other one! I delete individual programs and then select file to delete it to stop it recording more of same. This works for a few days and then starts again.(I assume when pvr as not worked first time).FYI: This morning I switched pvr on first and the tv second and let her select program.NOT recording as I write this, so will have to keep an eye on it.

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 11:42:50 #3 |
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    sorry, start should say " my wife turns tv on then pvr"

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 11:49:10 #4 |
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    Since the sequence you used this morning seems to have worked, you could ask your wife to follow that exact sequence (with no extra button presses) each day for a few days and see if that works.

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 12:07:17 #5 |
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    WornOut - 18 minutes ago  » 
    sorry, start should say " my wife turns tv on then pvr"

    Ah, I wondered if that was what you meant. It does take some time for the Humax to wake up from off or standby.

    | Mon 8 Feb 2016 12:12:48 #6 |
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    WornOut - 1 day ago  » 
    ...she then presses program guide and selects relavent channeland watches it. PVR then decides of it's own accord to record program...

    I'm slightly suspicious of this move (Are you including ALL the steps?) . The programme guide is usually used for setting recordings not changing channels - you can use the number keys or the menu that pops up by pressing "OK" for this. In the programme guide, if you click on a currently broadcasting programme the Humax will change channel. If, however, you click on another one you set a recording - although there ought to be a popup for recording one or the series. I think this may be where the problem lies. Try changing channels by one of the alternative means.

    | Tue 9 Feb 2016 19:58:45 #7 |

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