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Recording Failed. Unable to track program.

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    Just got back from holiday & found about a dozen failed recordings (0 minutes!) with the above message. What causes these failures?

    | Mon 2 Jun 2014 17:07:42 #1 |
  2. MontysEvilTwin


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    Failed to track errors occur with AR recording when the box does not pick up the record signal from the broadcaster. AR recording is the default setting and is turned off if you set up padding. To have so many failures is not normal. There is a known issue (with the HDR-FOX) that can cause this problem if you have channels tuned in from different transmitters. If this is the case, retune to a single transmitter or use padding. What channels did this occur on? There is also a bug with the newer HiDef channels (e.g. BBC 3 and 4 HD) whereby recordings appear to fail (they are reported as zero length): this is caused by corrupted NTS sidecar files. If this is the case, the files will be of normal size but will fail to play.

    | Tue 3 Jun 2014 10:30:38 #2 |
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    All the channels are from the same transmitter.
    Failures that I remember are from More4, CBBC, Quest.There are others, but I just checked through & deleted any zero length programs.
    I also get "failures" that play without any problems at all!

    What is padding?

    | Tue 3 Jun 2014 12:35:34 #3 |
  4. MontysEvilTwin


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    In one of the settings menus, recording I think, there are separate options to add additional time (2 mins, 5 mins etc.) to the start and end of a recording. When I have used this option, for example, I set the start to 2 mins and the end to 5 mins: this starts the recording 2 mins before the scheduled time and finishes 5 minutes later than scheduled. These recordings are based on the system clock: if these are both set to zero, AR kicks in and it looks for the broadcast start signal to start the recording. AR can better accommodate last minute schedule changes: I mostly use AR now, but as you are having such problems it might be safer to try out padding and see if it works for you.

    | Tue 3 Jun 2014 15:11:09 #4 |
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    Thanks for that. I didn't know it was called padding.
    Most of the programs record OK, so I don't want to use padding, as it might mean missing the program after, if I extend a program.
    Being hard of hearing means that I often step back to hear it again. I record most of my viewing, & catch up in the commercials.
    These failed recordings are a recent problem. I've had the 2000 since April.

    | Tue 3 Jun 2014 15:50:12 #5 |

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