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Recording Failing Whilst on Holiday

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    A further thought.

    If I had given it much thought I would have assumed that when recording the unit would update the EPG so with a number of regular record entries each week we were away the EPG would have kept upto date. But it looks as if when in record mode from standby the unit does not update the EPG, it is required to be switched on to do so. So recordings are terminated - 43 minutes must represent a recording limit in the software in the absence of an EPG finish time.

    Of course, there is nothing in the manual to indicate this shortcoming.

    We had seen odd programmmes not recorded or only 43 minutes recorded previously but never been able to identify a cause - I even considered returning the unit as it was in guarantee but was reluctant to lose the recordings we had on it. It was only when viewing the recordings for a 10 episode series we started recording before going on holiday which continued after we got back that it was obvious the 43 minute recording were only whilst we were away, either side of our holiday we had the full 60 minute recordings.

    So, thank you for your help, the Power On/Off solution should be the answer.

    | Tue 28 Feb 2017 16:03:56 #11 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    NeilD - 5 minutes ago  » 
    A further thought.

    So, thank you for your help, the Power On/Off solution should be the answer.

    No guarantees but worth a try certainly.

    | Tue 28 Feb 2017 16:11:06 #12 |
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    Are you really suggesting the software has a Volkswagen type Defeat piece of software to identify that the unit has not been switched on for 7 days so we must be on holiday and it will only record for 43 minutes to upset us?

    I prefer the EPG not updating suggestion from grahamlthopmson.

    | Tue 28 Feb 2017 16:13:11 #13 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    NeilD - 3 hours ago  » 
    So recordings are terminated - 43 minutes must represent a recording limit in the software in the absence of an EPG finish time.

    I am not sure about the use of the word "must"; nobody has ever previously postulated that there is a default recording limit and I don't recall reports that involve termination after 43 minutes. I suspect there is probably an alternative explanation.

    | Tue 28 Feb 2017 19:27:28 #14 |
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    Martin Liddle

    Over the past year we have had numerous recordings that have prematurely terminated at 43 minutes, none at any other time. This would represent some hexadecimal or binary number within the software to terminate a recording if an end time is not known. A prudent inclusion in the software as, otherwise, the recording could go on forever, filling the hard drive and deleting all other recordings if MENU - Settings - Preferences - Recording - Auto Delete is activated.

    You do not suggest an alternative explanation and I cannot think of any other logical explanation for premature termination of recording at a consistent fixed time so 'must' is the correct word.

    | Wed 1 Mar 2017 10:11:52 #15 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Posted in error. Mods please delete.

    | Wed 1 Mar 2017 11:00:18 #16 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    NeilD - 45 minutes ago  » 
    Over the past year we have had numerous recordings that have prematurely terminated at 43 minutes, none at any other time.

    Ok that is interesting. Have you checked that the box is correctly tuned to a single transmitter?

    This would represent some hexadecimal or binary number within the software to terminate a recording if an end time is not known.

    But nobody else is reporting this number so I think the problem is with something specific to your installation rather than a general problem.
    Why do you believe it wouldn't know the end time?

    A prudent inclusion in the software as, otherwise, the recording could go on forever, filling the hard drive and deleting all other recordings if MENU - Settings - Preferences - Recording - Auto Delete is activated.

    I believe there is a provision in the software to catch run away recordings but my tired old brain can't recollect the details; maybe someone else can?

    You do not suggest an alternative explanation and I cannot think of any other logical explanation for premature termination of recording at a consistent fixed time so 'must' is the correct word.

    I think the problem is local to your box and and 'must' is certainly not the correct word.

    | Wed 1 Mar 2017 11:07:55 #17 |
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    Martin Liddle - 3 minutes ago  » I believe there is a provision in the software to catch run away recordings but my tired old brain can't recollect the details; maybe someone else can?

    If the EIT p/f 'present' event for the next programme is not seen by the Humax for 2 hours after the 7 day EIT's end time for the recording programme then the recording should terminate.

    NeilD - 18 hours ago  » It was only when viewing the recordings for a 10 episode series we started recording before going on holiday which continued after we got back that it was obvious the 43 minute recording were only whilst we were away, either side of our holiday we had the full 60 minute recordings.

    How many days into your holiday has the earlist 43 minutes recording occurred?

    | Wed 1 Mar 2017 11:15:56 #18 |
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    NeilD - 21 hours ago  » 
    Are you really suggesting the software has a Volkswagen type Defeat piece of software to identify that the unit has not been switched on for 7 days so we must be on holiday and it will only record for 43 minutes to upset us?

    No you are!

    Do you not recognise a tongue in cheek post when you read one?

    | Wed 1 Mar 2017 13:29:22 #19 |
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    My thanks to grahamlthomson for his knowledge in identifying the likely cause of the problem and suggesting a solution.

    Further discussion will not add to the fund of knowledge so I declare this topic closed.

    | Wed 1 Mar 2017 23:43:01 #20 |

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