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Recording has failed due to loss of power

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    senior member
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    FVP- 5000.
    I've discovered a number ofmy recordings listed as "recording failed due to loss of power."
    Each recording is listed as 1 minute.

    These recordings were fine, and we've had no power cuts.
    I estimate up to 20 recordings now have this status, and are effectively now lost.

    Anyone else seeing this?

    | Mon 6 Jan 2020 18:19:27 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    poshsimon - 33 mins ago  » 
    FVP- 5000.
    I've discovered a number ofmy recordings listed as "recording failed due to loss of power."
    Each recording is listed as 1 minute.
    These recordings were fine, and we've had no power cuts.

    Interesting. Can I confirm that you are saying that these were recordings that you have previously played successfully but are now listed as failed 1 minute recordings? Could you give a few examples of affected recordings (Channel, Date, time, programmes name)? There was a thread about this a few months ago but I don't think any conclusion was reached but it certainly affects other people, not just you.

    | Mon 6 Jan 2020 18:57:38 #2 |
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    senior member
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    I can't be 100% sure that someone else in the house may have watched these.
    The first example i have not yet deleted is
    Itv, 20:01 20:02 tuesday 15 october, and was the last of a series recording.

    The next one also appears to be the last of a series recording.tptv, 14:00 14:01, tuesday 15 oct

    Next is another being last of a series recording ch4, 20:31 20:31 13 oct

    Another bbc 4 00:09 00:10, sat 5 oct

    The others ive already deleted.

    Quite likely they have not been watched.

    | Mon 6 Jan 2020 22:16:15 #3 |

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