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Recording ITV

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    Had an FVP4000T for about 4 years, mostly good, but recordings from ITV (SD) often fail. Every other channel absolutely fine. Just replaced it with FVP5000T, assuming there was some problem with the hardware. But still find ITV recordings often fail. Recording from ITV+1 usually OK. I put in a 9dB attenuator which seemed to help a bit, so replaced it with an 18dB attenuator, but still get failures. Ideas on what causes this most welcome.

    | Sat 25 Apr 2020 20:41:11 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    zmsc1 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Had an FVP4000T for about 4 years, mostly good, but recordings from ITV (SD) often fail.

    Do you get an error message for the failed recordings?

    | Sat 25 Apr 2020 23:22:46 #2 |
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    Sometimes the broken cassette symbol and zero length recording, more often full recording but with picture break-up so bad as to be unwatchable. I took this to be too high signal level, hence the 9dB attenuator which made the problem less severe (signal strength 95% down to 82%). The 18dB attenuator reduced signal strength to 72%, but gave no further improvement.

    | Sun 26 Apr 2020 10:22:28 #3 |
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    Further comment - where zero length recording, if I try to play it, the error message is "recording failed due to no signal".

    | Sun 26 Apr 2020 10:28:36 #4 |
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    As ITV+1 and ITV should be on the same multiplex this is a strange one.
    Perhaps you could give an indication of which transmitter you think you are using. Did you use automatic tuning when setting the Humax up? Might also be helpful to watch ITV whilst recording ITV+1 (and nothing else). Then check the signal (F button, settings, channel settings, signal test). If everything is set up properly there should only be one tuner showing a signal. If there are two tuners showing a signal then you probably are using two different transmitters. You may find there is another ITV on a channel above 800. If so, you will probably need to manually retune the Humax to only use signals from one transmitter.

    | Sun 26 Apr 2020 14:33:29 #5 |
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    Thanks for that advice.

    I get my signal from Emley Moor which is about 13 miles away and at roof level (where my aerial is) is easily visible on a clear day. I've done the test you suggest and only one tuner is in use. I've now put the two signal attenuators in series (having read elsewhere that too strong a signal overloads the tuner input) and the signal strength reads 52% - and still gives a perfect picture.

    I'll try some more recordings and will report back.

    | Mon 27 Apr 2020 6:49:40 #6 |
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    I'm at a loss to understand what the problem is if you can record ITV+1 but not ITV without a problem. Do you have problems with ITV2, ITV3, ITV4, Channel 4, More 4, E4, E4+1, Film 4 or Channel 5?
    A check on the Freeview coverage checker shows that Emley Moor should give ITV and ITV+1 on UHF channel 44 (on the signal strength meter). But both Bilsdale and Belmont might give a reasonable signal on UHF 24/25. If you used an automatic scan to tune your Humax it is likely that one of these (probably Belmont) might have been picked in preference to Emley.

    | Mon 27 Apr 2020 14:36:17 #7 |
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    Fingers crossed - I've had no further problems. So it looks like being in easy sight of a transmitter isn't ideal!

    | Tue 28 Apr 2020 20:35:06 #8 |

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