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Recording non-freesat channel in freesat mode

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    Joined: Apr '15
    Posts: 30


    Just need to refresh my memory on a couple of issues if someone can help. Been a while since I last played around with this.

    1. I have the custom firmware and have added RTL to freesat mode. (I have motorised dish, single LNB and the link cable at back of box) If I am watching in this way, I cannot use the record button, It gives me the "no access" type symbol. I assume this is just how it works? The only workaround is to go to non-freesat mode?

    2. I tried setting manual timed recordings for F1 on RTL, quali. and race. Neither worked, the box did not wake up. Fortunately I was awake in time anyway so not a problem but is there a reason why this did not work? I did a test recording and that worked?!!?!

    3. What is it that clears the scheduled recordings, is that just doing a freesat channel scan? I can scan in non-freesat mode, certain transponders etc without losing anything? (I know I can back them up and restore)

    | Sun 17 Apr 2016 16:57:15 #1 |

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