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Recording Playback error

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    I seem to have a problem with recording and playing back scheduled recordings at the moment.
    Over the past few days the HDR player has recorded as normal but when you come to play the recording back (although it shows the whole programme has recorded) it briefly displays a blank screen and then returns to the menu, much like the youtube query I read earlier? I have checked the memory and there is lots available? I am not sure where to go other than a complete deletion of all the hard drive. Any suggestions? Thanks

    | Mon 7 Oct 2013 18:15:17 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    rogerssu - 1 hour ago  » 
    Over the past few days the HDR player has recorded as normal but when you come to play the recording back (although it shows the whole programme has recorded) it briefly displays a blank screen and then returns to the menu, much like the youtube query I read earlier?

    Can you pause live TV?

    | Mon 7 Oct 2013 19:36:33 #2 |
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    Apparently I can pause live TV with no problem now. Although this was not the case earlier today.

    | Mon 7 Oct 2013 21:16:25 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    rogerssu - 5 minutes ago  » 
    Apparently I can pause live TV with no problem now. Although this was not the case earlier today.

    It sounds to me as though there is some corruption of the file system. You have two options: either format the drive which will of course delete any recordings or install the custom firmware which has a utility called fix-disk to rectify common problems non destructively.

    | Mon 7 Oct 2013 21:23:26 #4 |
  5. athomson


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    I would install the custom firmware as Martin suggests. Then you can reboot in mainence mode and use a PC or laptop to run a full disk check/repair from a Telnet session. Hoping this will sort out the problem.


    | Tue 8 Oct 2013 7:44:42 #5 |

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