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Recording transcoding

(7 posts)
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    Joined: Apr '11
    Posts: 13


    Hi folks,

    I am looking for suggestions on how to convert HDR recordings to other formats. For example - I have recorded a load of radio shows, but it looks like they're .ts files, just like TV shows. I was kinda hoping "radio" broadcasts would be recorded as an audio file format like .wav or .mp3. No particular reason - just a hope! Anyway... anyone got any tips for converting .ts files to other formats?

    And before you ask - no, this is nothing to do with HD recordings and encryption avoidance.


    | Mon 4 Jul 2011 21:10:36 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    VLC Player can convert and save in other formats.

    | Mon 4 Jul 2011 21:55:22 #2 |
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    Get Go

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    Posts: 31


    The way I do it is I put the radio.ts file through ProjectX. That cleans-up the file a bit and splits the audio from the video (even though there's no real video). Then I load up the audio .mp2 file in Audacity to edit and save it as whatever format I want.

    I think you may be able to leave out the ProjectX part. If I remember correctly if you drag the .ts file straight into Audacity you can end up with a large portion of empty space (maybe 10mins or so) before the actual audio starts. But you can still work with it.

    If you want to convert a standard def video .ts file into DVD format you will have to use projectx. There is a tutorial here:

    Its for OS X but most of the free software is available for Windows too.

    Audacity is available from here:

    | Tue 5 Jul 2011 9:30:35 #3 |
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    Get Go

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    Posts: 31


    There is MPEGStreamclip too. I think that can split the .ts into its separate audio and video parts too.That may be easier to use than projectx.


    | Tue 5 Jul 2011 9:39:42 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Open VLCplayer, Menu Media-Convert Save. Add the .ts file. Pull down convert/save drop down and choose convert. Enter destination file.
    Pull down Profile and choose audio codec and press start. MP2 is an option so should be extremely quick if you match the original bitrate.,
    The spanner/screwdriver icon lets you alter the default settings.

    | Tue 5 Jul 2011 9:57:18 #5 |
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    For a fast conversion to MP2 using the 'copy' option with ffmpeg will keep the bitrate. I don't use ffmpeg directly but instead use the GUI WinFF which includes ffmpeg and a lame convertor for MP3. WinFF is also capable of batch processing.
    With WinFF a useful preset to add for MP2 is:
    -vn -acodec copy
    This preset not only demuxes the audio track from a radio recording but will also strip out the video if it's a TV recording.

    For MP3 conversion WinFF can be used directly on the TS files. WinFF has a preset for conversion to MP3 (under "Convert to" select "Audio" and then under "Preset" select "MP3"). The preset is set to output 160KB. It is easy to override this by entering a one off value in the Audio bitrate field under Additional Options, or the preset can be editted for a more permenant customised bitrate.

    The overall design of the GUI and how it is initially displayed makes its basic use very simple.
    If there is a need to permanently change a default of a preset (e.g. MP3's default bitrate of 160KB to say 256KB or 96KB) then with very little digging it is not very difficult to change the default.

    | Tue 5 Jul 2011 17:58:31 #6 |
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    Posts: 13


    Thanks folks

    | Tue 5 Jul 2011 21:19:07 #7 |

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