My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Recordings don’t play after fitting hard drive.

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    My Humax FVP 5000T need to be replaced so I have fitted the hard drive from the box that needed to be replaced into the replacement box but has the following issue there are recordings on the hard drive that I want to keep, the issue is that the box does not play the recordings back that are saved on the hard drive.

    Is there a way to fix this issue ?

    Any help would be appreciated


    | Sat 26 Nov 2022 20:16:34 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Apache - 2 hours ago  » 
    My Humax FVP 5000T need to be replaced so I have fitted the hard drive from the box that needed to be replaced into the replacement box but has the following issue there are recordings on the hard drive that I want to keep, the issue is that the box does not play the recordings back that are saved on the hard drive.
    Is there a way to fix this issue ?

    The problem will be the encryption which is unique to each box. I don't know a way of overcoming the problem unless someone cracks the encryption.

    | Sat 26 Nov 2022 23:14:17 #2 |
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    I suspect the encryption won't be cracked. I don't know of anyone who is actively looking into this.

    In future you may want to save some SD recordings to a USB drive or use the DLNA server to stream (and save) SD recordings to another device before you have other problems. HD recordings can't be saved (not easily, anyway).

    | Sun 27 Nov 2022 8:05:26 #3 |

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