KenA - 9 hours ago »
We have a FVP-4000T and we regularly find that when we playback a recorded programme it ends before the programme ends. Is there any way of stopping this happening?
There could be a few different reasons why this is happening to your non-youview box. It would be confusing to youview oners to continue to discuss your FVP-4000T in the youview section as the youview boxes have more limited recording options and also a couple of the recordings options that they do share can behave differently.
I suggest you look in he FVP-4000T/5000T section of this forum site first and then if you are having difficulty locating relevant previous threads or find the quantity of posts overwhelming, that you re-post on the FVP-4000T/5000T section of the forum. If you do repost make sure you state what your Setting's Recording Setting are (i.e. Start Padding Time / End Padding Time) and examples of channels that you are frequently finding this is happening.
| Sun 19 Apr 2020 7:30:49
#5 |