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remote control for multi DTR-T1000

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    Frinton Fogey

    new member
    Joined: Aug '14
    Posts: 2


    I have a DTR-T1000 and a DTR-T1010 and would like to control each box individually from the remote control. I know this can be done on FreeView boxes but the recommended procedure does not work on YouView. I have contacted Humax Customer Support and they suggested covering one of the IR sensors. Is there any way you can assign each remote?

    | Mon 11 Aug 2014 10:11:39 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 944


    No. A silly omission on these devices.

    | Mon 11 Aug 2014 10:32:26 #2 |

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