My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

Remote freezing HDR on startup

(3 posts)
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    I have found that using the remote too early when the HDR has just started up freezes the HDR. Although the current channel keeps playing, the matrix display freezes and further remote presses then don't do anything.

    The only way to fix this appears to be switching the power off and on again, and then remembering to wait till the channel information is displayed on screen before using the remote.

    Does anyone else have the same problem? Is it worth raising with Humax?

    I have a HDR FOX T2 with the latest software. The power saving in standby setting is on.

    | Tue 31 May 2011 22:22:10 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    A belated welcome to the forum

    I have been trying to replicate this for a few days without success.

    Can you replicate it on demand?

    | Sun 5 Jun 2011 11:18:36 #2 |
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    Thanks Barry

    I can't get it to happen all the time I think it is when the channel has just tuned in but the info bar has not disappeared - when the HDR freezes the bar stays there. I'll monitor it and see it I can get more details...

    | Sun 12 Jun 2011 23:03:54 #3 |

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