My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Reordering folders and Streaming.

(2 posts)
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    Joined: Jan '14
    Posts: 15


    I have recently bought this box to replace my aging 9150T and overall very happy with it. Just a couple of things though...

    Is there a way to reorder folders in the media list?

    Also, is there any way to stream programmes to a Samsung tv in another room?
    Apparently the TV can't play the particular file format.

    Thanks everyone.

    | Thu 23 Jan 2014 0:54:35 #1 |
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    Owen Smith

    special member
    Joined: Aug '11
    Posts: 187


    If you buy another Humax Freeview box eg. HD Fox T2, HDR Fox T2 or a 2000T you will be able to stream recordings (but not live TV) from one box to the other. This does not apply yo the YouView boxes, they can't stream between boxes.

    | Thu 23 Jan 2014 12:25:41 #2 |

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