My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Rerplacement Remote Controls

(1 post)
  1. Doghouse


    senior member
    Joined: Mar '13
    Posts: 86


    The on/off button on my aging Humax HDR 2000T stopped working and I was having to use the on/off control on the machine. So I thought I might as well replace it. Humax want £27 each for a raft of different replacement remotes.
    I got one on eBay for £6.49 post free. I had to wait a week for it as it came from China.
    It's identical to the original but doesn't have the Humax logo above the model nunber on the bottom of the face. But it works exactly the same.

    My view is that like ink cartridges where the suppliers of the printers don't make them, they are supplied by dedicated ink cartridge manufacturers, it's possibly the same with remotes.

    | Wed 18 Nov 2020 0:47:48 #1 |

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