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Reserved disk space problems - HDR 2000T

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    Reserved storage on our 1TB HDR2000t was running at nearly 600GB. Available space had also fallen to zero despite not having much stored on it. I tried the HDD test function - passes every time.

    I formatted the disk and got weird numbers like reserved storage of over 400,000,000GB and available space over 3TB despite recognising that it has a 1TB disk fitted. Latest format has produced more sensible numbers but still has reserved storage of 114GB.

    Does anyone know if there is a known fault with the reserved storage function? What function sets the reserved storage, is it series recording? Is it possible that reserved storage just keeps increasing and never gets released after recordings are deleted?

    | Mon 5 Mar 2018 14:19:26 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Most of it is likely to be the storage allocated to upload your own video, music and photographs. You can adjust this on a Foxsat-HDR but not afaik on a HDR-2000T.

    Then of course the HDD isn't actually the stated size when formatted.

    | Mon 5 Mar 2018 14:26:55 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    SF54 - 1 hour ago  » 
    I formatted the disk and got weird numbers like reserved storage of over 400,000,000GB and available space over 3TB despite recognising that it has a 1TB disk fitted. Latest format has produced more sensible numbers but still has reserved storage of 114GB.
    Does anyone know if there is a known fault with the reserved storage function?

    It has never been reported before so I think the answer is there is no known fault. Usually weird numbers such as you are seeing are more likely to be a results of the hard drive failing.

    What function sets the reserved storage, is it series recording?

    Reserved space is made up of the space allocated for the time shift buffer, the space allocated for IPlayer streaming, the 5% of disk capacity that Linux reserves for the root user (which is a nonsense in this case as the Humax software runs as root) and a correction number to account for the fact that hard drives are sized in GB not GiB.

    | Mon 5 Mar 2018 15:39:55 #3 |
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    Thanks, it would have been helpful for Humax to put a couple of lines in the manual to explain what the reserved storage is for. I'll keep an eye on it to see if it gradually creeps up again. Have also updated to the latest software which can't hurt hopefully. We only use it like an old school VCR so was a bit surprised to see such a large buffer being set.

    Looks like the HDD test function is of chocolate teapot functionality though. Been building PCs for decades so am au fait with disk sizing etc. I guess I better look at disk replacement posts now!

    | Mon 5 Mar 2018 16:20:38 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    SF54 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Been building PCs for decades so am au fait with disk sizing etc. I guess I better look at disk replacement posts now!

    If you are familiar with buildings PCs and the Humax is out of warranty then I would suggest opening the Humax, temporarily removing the drive and connecting it to a PC and looking at the SMART data to see what that says about the health of the drive; happy to help if you are not familiar with interpreting SMART data.

    | Mon 5 Mar 2018 18:31:04 #5 |

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