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Resolution not supported

(4 posts)
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    Posts: 3


    Came down to watch tv this morning and get the message 'resolution not suported'

    I have tried the basics. Press the v.format button and cycled it across all of them, powered off box and tv (in various combinations), tried a different hdmi cable (known to work as from DVD) etc.

    Any ideas why my Samsung tv has decided to hate my humax freesat box and what else I can try to get it working?

    | Sun 14 Oct 2012 7:57:45 #1 |
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    new member
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    Posts: 3


    Just to update.
    I have found a set of av leads and can successfully connect via these. But as soon as I switch source back to hdmi I get the message "resolution not supported"

    | Sun 14 Oct 2012 9:18:55 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Have you tried a different hdmi port on the TV ?

    Might be worth trying turning the hdr off using the mains switch for 10 minutes (rear top left as you look at the box).

    Failing that a reset to factory defaults is worth trying.

    | Sun 14 Oct 2012 9:54:08 #3 |
  4. gomezz


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    Posts: 944


    Or try reversing the HDMI lead or trying a different one.

    | Mon 15 Oct 2012 9:21:04 #4 |

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