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Reversed Buttons.

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    humax fvp-4000t pvr remote, the freeview & on-demand buttons are reversed.Is this a known problem?

    | Mon 4 Dec 2017 15:55:36 #1 |
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    Those buttons that TonyV5 mentions that are on his remote, do not appear on my remote control. We are talking FVP-4000t are we not? If I go into the Humax online site and look for the user’s manual, it shows a totally different remote from mine. Can Humax explain this. If I need the remote that TonyV5 is talking about, where do I get one?

    | Tue 5 Dec 2017 10:52:56 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    Initially the 4000T was shipped with RM-L03 remote this was then replaced with RM-L08 version.

    | Tue 5 Dec 2017 11:07:12 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    TonyV5 - 22 hours ago  » 
    humax fvp-4000t pvr remote, the freeview & on-demand buttons are reversed.Is this a known problem?

    New one on could try taking batteries out, press 0(zero) and OK for 30 seconds see if that will reset it.

    | Tue 5 Dec 2017 14:34:14 #4 |
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    Tried a reset but no joy.

    The Freeview Play button is a FVP. headed page but it has across the lower half ON DEMAND--TV GUIDE--RECORDING--MEDIA. At the bottom there is a row of Apps. starting with NETFLIX!

    The ON DEMAND is also a FVP. headed page. Top row are the "iPlayers" and the two lower rows Humax Apps. The NETFLIX button is what is it is.

    The slow button response is slightly better if I quickly press each button.

    Must have been designed by a committee.

    | Tue 5 Dec 2017 16:28:02 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    TonyV5 - 2 hours ago  » 
    Tried a reset but no joy.
    The Freeview Play button is a FVP. headed page but it has across the lower half ON DEMAND--TV GUIDE--RECORDING--MEDIA. At the bottom there is a row of Apps. starting with NETFLIX!
    The ON DEMAND is also a FVP. headed page. Top row are the "iPlayers" and the two lower rows Humax Apps. The NETFLIX button is what is it is.
    The slow button response is slightly better if I quickly press each button.
    Must have been designed by a committee.

    That is correct, nothing wrong with your remote or unit.

    | Tue 5 Dec 2017 18:32:24 #6 |

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