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Revised FVP 4000T - Changes to LED and Handset

(6 posts)
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    Joined: Dec '11
    Posts: 31


    It appears that there is a revised model with different LED behaviour and handset.

    By the way does the handset have a backlight as well?

    As I am looking to purchase one online, how can I be sure I will be getting the newer model version?

    I did read that there was some change in the packaging with reference to Netflix.

    Tempted to purchase the 2TB model called the Nero in an effort to hopefully guarantee I will end up with the latest one.

    Any comments (to include purchase location etc) would be welcome.

    | Sat 19 Aug 2017 6:30:34 #1 |
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    It appears the 'new' model has been out for some time. If I were you and needed to buy online I would buy a refurbished model from Humax themselves - their refurbished boxes look absolutely brand new and will have been checked for correct operation, alternatively buy from a larger volume retailer like Currys, Argos, Maplin.

    I bought mine from Argos and it was the new box and I've seen them in Currys and Maplins stores and both were new boxes too.

    You can tell the 'newer' model by the Netflix info on the box. If it is printed on the actual box it's OK, if it's a sticker it will be the 'older' model.

    | Sat 19 Aug 2017 17:46:11 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    To answer other query.....handset does not have backlight.

    | Sat 19 Aug 2017 17:47:15 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    scgf - 3 hours ago  » 
    If I were you and needed to buy online I would buy a refurbished model from Humax themselves - their refurbished boxes look absolutely brand new and will have been checked for correct operation.

    But is there any certainty that a refurbished unit will be the new model? My advice would be to buy on-line from a reputable company and if necessary use your right to send back within seven days.

    | Sat 19 Aug 2017 20:59:04 #4 |
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    I would have thought so, but you have the same rights to return the box to Humax as with any other online retailer - the distance selling regulations still apply. It's £40 cheaper than a retail box purchased from elsewhere.

    I purchased from Currys simply because I was impatient and knew I wouldn't be at home to take delivery had I ordered it online.

    | Sat 19 Aug 2017 21:09:33 #5 |
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    Joined: Dec '11
    Posts: 31


    Thanks for all the responses.

    Just wanted to avoid getting "old stock" but sounds if the updated model has been out for a while so I should be safe.

    Will probably purchase from John Lewis or Humax Direct.

    | Sun 20 Aug 2017 15:12:21 #6 |

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