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RFout - giving no output with playback

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    I have had a PVR 9200T for a couple of years or so and decided to upgrade to an HDR FOX T2 following the the recent introduction of HD TV.
    The 9200 installation was configured to extend the output to a second TV (with old channels 21-69) via the RF out socket. This has worked well with a clear signal after changing the default output channel to Ch38.
    Installing the FOX T2 was simple and was just a matter of changing over plug-for-plug. After completing the installation process the result was Ok . . . except no RF output on any Ch 21-79. Even the loop-thro aerial signal was giving a loss of signal strength.
    Back to the manual . . . very little mention of the RF out feed except for a note regarding the power setting cutting the RF out when in standby mode. Other forums refer to the output of the FOX T2 being available but as yet, I don't see how.

    | Sat 16 Jun 2012 15:12:35 #1 |
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    Hello, Interesting moniker, Dimona. I used to have a share in a touring motor glider called a Dimona.

    I think that you will find that the HDR Fox T2 does not actually have a modulator built in to it. The RF output is merely a loop through. I also used to have a 9200 and now have an HDR Fox T2.

    I'm afraid that you will have to either get a separate scart fed modulator or do away with feeding your second TV via the aerial.

    | Sat 16 Jun 2012 15:17:17 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Gastropod - 16 minutes ago  » 
    Hello, Interesting moniker, Dimona. I used to have a share in a touring motor glider called a Dimona.
    I think that you will find that the HDR Fox T2 does not actually have a modulator built in to it. The RF output is merely a loop through. I also used to have a 9200 and now have an HDR Fox T2.
    I'm afraid that you will have to either get a separate scart fed modulator or do away with feeding your second TV via the aerial.

    100% correct, there is no modulator in common with virtually all newer kit. Assuming the HDR FOX is the same as the HD Fox you can also use the 3 RCA phonos to feed a modulator.

    | Sat 16 Jun 2012 15:35:18 #3 |
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    Hmm! If that was at Booker I should know you! BCW here.

    I was afraid the answer was to use a scart output and make a visit to Maplins. I have CAT5 embedded throughout the house dripping out of RJ45 sockets and was wondering how this could be used at least additional cost. Thanks for the idea.

    | Sat 16 Jun 2012 15:41:49 #4 |
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    Thanks GrahamT and Gastropod (that name rings a bell or two for me too!) for the replies. I guess I must now apply my thoughts to getting a modulated output somehow. I'll probably get a better signal via the scart than the RCA phonos - if anyone can advise from hereonin, or has any other ideas to the problem they would be appreciated. Maplins share price may rise by the morning!

    | Sat 16 Jun 2012 15:58:27 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    Dimona - 33 minutes ago  » 
    Thanks GrahamT and Gastropod (that name rings a bell or two for me too!) for the replies. I guess I must now apply my thoughts to getting a modulated output somehow. I'll probably get a better signal via the scart than the RCA phonos - if anyone can advise from hereonin, or has any other ideas to the problem they would be appreciated. Maplins share price may rise by the morning!

    The output is identical either by scart or phono. Modulators only work with composite video. One of these will do the job.

    You could of course do the job properly

    1 One get a hdmi splitter and feed the second TV either by hdmi or a pair of baluns using two cat5 cables.

    2 The Rolls Royce job, get a HD FOX T2 for the second TV and stream recordings over a network from the HDR FOX T2 independently from the main TV.

    | Sat 16 Jun 2012 16:33:34 #6 |
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    Thanks Graham, an hdmi splitter feed may be my way ahead. 'Management' rules out the Rolls-Royce choice on basis of cost, but she may accept my (your) compromise!

    Meanwhile, further snags on this matter. Is there any reason for the loop-through aerial feed to be giving what seems to be an unreasonable loss of signal? I have just coupled my 'old' 9200 to the looped-out feed from the FOX T2 (RF output, virtual aerial feed) and, at best, 74 channels have been detected against the 125+ that the FOX T2 has found. Signal strengths down to around 45-50% on most channels giving the consequent picture tearing and sound break-up. No apparent effect on the FOX T2 signal, so presumably not just passive splitting. Yet another problem to be solved . . . any idea why this is, and a means of improving things? Aerial amp insertion or what?

    My TV is a Samsung WiFi capable set so I'll also think more about what you said with option 2 regarding network streaming.

    [Buy shares in Maplin and Amazon before I go shopping on Monday! Bring back the days when a piece of wet string would do wonders!]

    Thanks for your help in getting me moving again on this.

    | Sat 16 Jun 2012 21:25:52 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Dimona - 7 minutes ago  » 
    Is there any reason for the loop-through aerial feed to be giving what seems to be an unreasonable loss of signal?

    Is this with the HDR on, ,n which case I don't have anexplaation, or with the HDR off in which case you merely need to disable the power saving in standby?

    | Sat 16 Jun 2012 21:35:21 #8 |
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    With the HDR on Martin. I went thro' the power stand-by hoop earlier and am aware of the different settings. Is this a unit fault?

    | Sat 16 Jun 2012 21:50:23 #9 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Dimona - 1 hour ago  » 
    With the HDR on Martin. I went thro' the power stand-by hoop earlier and am aware of the different settings. Is this a unit fault?

    I don't know. I saw something a bit similar when we had a 9200 connected to the same aerial as an HDR but the problem went away at DSO. Perhaps worth talking to Humax support on the phone.

    | Sat 16 Jun 2012 23:15:57 #10 |

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