My Humax Forum » FAQ » FVP 4000T, 5000T


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(1 post)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,074


    I would strongly urge anyone interested in Humax FreeView Play products to ignore any adverse comments on the YouView Community Forum re FVP and/or the 4000/5000T.

    Caveat to these points and all other FVP-4000T/FVP-5000T FAQ's.

    Info is based on knowledge of current software/hardware, this could change on subsequent releases.

    3 Tuners - Record 4 chans watch 5th across 3 muxes.
    Auto Padding - Yes
    Manual tune - Yes
    Manual Timer - Yes
    Edit timer - Yes
    Folders - Yes automatic for series timers
    WiFi - Yes
    USB ports - Yes, 2 - located on right hand side of unit and rear.
    Scart socket - No
    Series record - Yes.
    Pause live TV - Yes.
    Auto Delete - Yes.
    DLNA Server/Client - Yes to both.
    Archive to USB - Yes.
    RF Loop thru' - Yes, you have to switch off power saving to enable.
    YouTube - Yes.
    Netflix - Yes
    Boot time from full standby (power saving on no loop thru') to picture displayed 18 seconds.
    Search IP and guide for programmes - Yes.

    | Sun 2 Aug 2015 22:09:04 #1 |

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