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Series Link Recordins will not play.

(3 posts)
  1. tellboy


    Joined: Jan '13
    Posts: 32


    When I go to recorded programs labelled MyTV, press OK, to list recordings. Any program folder containing more than 1 program will display in a row but pressing OK after selecting any of them nothing happens .
    If I press on any other which is just a single recording it plays as normal.
    It is also not possible to delete any program in a series folder.
    Disk is 30% free.
    It was also difficult to find Settings which seems to have been replaced by a cog wheel at the top of the screen.
    I have never had this before so good old Humax for this little extra problem.

    | Sun 11 Oct 2020 15:40:32 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 946


    Did it use to work? Have you tried power-cycling the box?

    | Sun 11 Oct 2020 17:01:41 #2 |
  3. tellboy


    Joined: Jan '13
    Posts: 32


    Yes never had this before and never thought it wouldn't work as I mostly use series link.
    Yes I have just unplugged the power adapter for 30 seconds and it did a lengthy restart and it worked OK on a series of Gardeners World and the delete worked.
    I then went to another series of the cycling from Giro D' Italia and the same thing happened..
    There has been a fairly recent software update and something about opting in to a Beta test of updates.
    No thanks.

    | Sun 11 Oct 2020 17:57:10 #3 |

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