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Setting a recording by time not by EPG

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    Joined: Feb '13
    Posts: 36


    Hi there,

    Hope someone can help me. We have a youngster and have sent a card in to CBeebies. We want to record on her birthday ALL the times they read out the cards to see if they read hers.

    HOWEVER - they read them out BETWEEN programs, so I need to set a recording for the gap, overlapping by a good 10 mins or so to record in case they read it out. I know the times, and in old fashioned video days you would have just set the timer, but I can't see how you do that on the Fox2 (assuming it's possible).


    | Sun 17 Nov 2013 15:36:54 #1 |
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    Select the first line of the schedule list.

    Press the GUIDE button to go to TV Guide
    >> press YELLOW button to go to Schedule
    >> [select 'New Reservation']
    >> press the OK button to view/edit the new timer settings
    >> [adjust each setting]
    >> [high light 'OK']
    >> press the OK button

    An alternative to acheive what you want on this occasion would be to set a timer from the epg for every programme. Then edit each of the timers so that the end time is 10 minutes later than it was and the start time is 10 minutes before the real end of the programme.

    | Sun 17 Nov 2013 15:54:22 #2 |
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    Joined: Feb '13
    Posts: 36


    Brilliant! - Just tried this and it seems perfect.


    | Sun 17 Nov 2013 16:15:16 #3 |

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