Page 44 of the User's Manual gives details of how to set the display format for both 16:9 and 4:3 TVs.
Within preferences you can select either 4:3 or 16:9.
If you select 16:9 you than have the further choice of Auto, Pillerbox or Zoom. This works fine and if you have an HDR-FOX remote in mode 1 you can toggle between them no issue, (the 2000T's RM-109U remote has no WIDE button).
If you select 4:3 you than have the further choice of Auto, Letterbox 16:9, Letterbox 14:9 or Centre. Which one you select makes no difference at all when watching channels or the 2000T's recordings. It treats it as Auto which ever one you select.
With 4:3 Auto BBC and ITV channels and C4 HD will usually display as either 14:9 (or Centre for 4:3 programmes).
The other channels use of the Active Format Descriptors (AFD) is slightly different. Therefore other channels will always display Letterbox 16:9 (or Centre for 4:3 programmes).
My 2000T is therefore going back to the shop today.
Curiously when I played my HDR-FOX T2 recordings on the 2000T via the Network the WIDE choice does take effect.