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Setting Display Format

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    Page 44 of the User's Manual gives details of how to set the display format for both 16:9 and 4:3 TVs.

    Within preferences you can select either 4:3 or 16:9.
    If you select 16:9 you than have the further choice of Auto, Pillerbox or Zoom. This works fine and if you have an HDR-FOX remote in mode 1 you can toggle between them no issue, (the 2000T's RM-109U remote has no WIDE button).

    If you select 4:3 you than have the further choice of Auto, Letterbox 16:9, Letterbox 14:9 or Centre. Which one you select makes no difference at all when watching channels or the 2000T's recordings. It treats it as Auto which ever one you select.

    With 4:3 Auto BBC and ITV channels and C4 HD will usually display as either 14:9 (or Centre for 4:3 programmes).

    The other channels use of the Active Format Descriptors (AFD) is slightly different. Therefore other channels will always display Letterbox 16:9 (or Centre for 4:3 programmes).

    My 2000T is therefore going back to the shop today.

    Curiously when I played my HDR-FOX T2 recordings on the 2000T via the Network the WIDE choice does take effect.

    | Sun 3 Nov 2013 12:12:34 #1 |
  2. soileduk


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    I've just purchased an HDR2000T and can confirm that it won't give a consistent letterbox picture if using with a 4:3 TV,unlike my present Philips Freeview box.Auto will overide either letterbox format on BBC1&2 ITV Film4 etc.This is in direct conflict with the information from Humax on which I made my purchase.I've now got to try to get my money back! Does anyone know of a machine that will give a letterbox picture on all stations?

    Dear Peter

    Thank you for contacting Humax Support.

    There are numerous screen options on the machine and you can change it to whatever you like.

    Best Regards,

    Stephen M

    Humax Customer Support

    06/12/2013 15:50 -
    Humax HDR-2000T/500GB
            I am considering purchasing this machine to be used with a 3:4 crt TV connected via scart. I would prefer to configure it to give a letterbox type picture. I understand that if one tries to set this up,despite there being various options available, you end up with only the 'auto' sizing option actually being  available. As this is a dealbreaker for me I would like to know if this situation is so and if it is will it be addressed as an system update?
                                  Best wishes,
                                          Peter Drew. 

    | Sat 14 Dec 2013 13:48:04 #2 |
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    soileduk - 9 hours ago  » 
    Does anyone know of a machine that will give a letterbox picture on all stations?

    The HDR-FOX- T2 handles the aspect ratio as intended.
    Available from Humax Direct as a grde a £146 inclding p&p

    Also any of the previous, or current vestels
    e.g. Hitachi 500GB Freeview HD Digital TV Recorder with Smart (Argos).
    e.g. Logik L1HSTB12 (Currys)
    But have a good look around for their failings on the relevent Digital Spy forum first
    A list of past and present models can be found at

    I'd go for the HDR-FOX T2 rather than risk one of the newer Vestels or the second hand market for vestels.

    | Sat 14 Dec 2013 23:32:34 #3 |
  4. soileduk


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    Well,Argos were very good and refunded me without any fuss.

    Luke,thanks for the heads up and I've taken a leap of faith and punted for the grade A HDR-FOX- T2 linked to in your post. I'm not 100% sure what constitutes grade A but as long as it works as required and does it quietly then I'll be happy.

    The machine is due Tuesday so I'll report back then.

    | Sun 15 Dec 2013 10:02:40 #4 |

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