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setup stops at Internet connection not working

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    Joined: Apr '14
    Posts: 84


    I recently bought a faulty BT 2100 Model and on plugging in to carry out the maintenance routine and do a software update the box did as it should and did the reload and launched into the setup routine, but it immediately stopped and sat there - as the first thing in the setup seems to have been changed and it first tries to establish an internet connection. After it gets to that point you have to either Auto Connect or manual connect. Auto it tries to connect, fails to connect, then returns to the Auto connect button and you can only then try the manual which does not get me any further, ( I copied the settings from another DTR model.
    The annoying thing is that there appears to be no way to proceed until you establish that internet connection. It says it cannot connect to the router and recommends restarting it, (and in any case I do not think there is any problem withthe router as there are another 3 Humax models working away on it and I have changed cables etc. I cannot proceed and check the hard drive contents etc and check that the box is working.
    I have reloaded dozens of the DTR models and never had this before, I do not remember where the internet came into the setup previously but it was not (I don’t think.) the first thing in the setup and certainly did not stop the procedure dead as this has done, there seems no way past it it will not continue until the internet is connected.
    I do not know if this is a problem with the latest software update, I have found that it (The latest update) will wipe your hard drive on either Maintenance mode software update or any of the options that state “Keep recordings”. I found this out when My DTR 1000 started acting up and I corrected with the maintenance modes software Update (Recommended) option and on completing the reload it did the software update and formatted the hard drive, A hard drive with several years of series recordings on it so I was not too amused.
    Anyway any assistance anyone can suggest to get past my roadblock on the internet connection or advice on how to stop the hard drive being wiped when it is not supposed to be would be greatly appreciated
    Thanks, Boyd (mactoshb)

    | Thu 31 Aug 2017 7:55:58 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,051


    Unfortunately there is no way to get around the internet issue, it has to connect to users network for the set up to continue....ridiculous I know

    I have raised this with the Managers at Humax Towers, because I think owners/prospective owners who spend their hard earned cash buying a retail product should not be hindered in this way, but they (Humax) have no control over what YouView decide re software..

    | Thu 31 Aug 2017 8:30:53 #2 |

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