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Should boxes replay recordings without antenna signal input?

(5 posts)
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    Joined: Dec '11
    Posts: 21


    Hi All, I am trying to do something on my FoxT2 and FoxSat boxes which essentially makes them useable as stand alone players for their pre-recorded content without an antenna plugged in. Put simply, pick up either box, take it off in a caravan without antenna or signal coverage and play recorded programs. Can these boxes do this?

    Unless I am doing something wrong, BOTH boxes pop up the 'no signal' screen and lock out any kind of access to 'media'. In the case of the Foxsat I got a bit wound up with the postcode thing, which I eventually got to work after a reset.

    I cannot believe that a broken antenna connection on either Freeview or Freesat can stop boxes playing back its recordings, so am I doing something wrong or something I am not understanding?

    | Wed 23 Jan 2013 17:24:27 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Can only comment on HDR T2 at the mo which I am sat next to.

    Pulled out aerial, and whilst it does report 'The receiver is not receiving a signal' etc...

    Press media, and I can access and replay recordings.

    Edit: Can check out Foxsat in a few minutes unless someone else reponds.

    Foxsat same just pressed media and can replay recordings.

    | Wed 23 Jan 2013 17:44:39 #2 |
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    Posts: 21


    Thanks Barry I will go off to repeat what I did before and report back.

    | Wed 23 Jan 2013 19:33:54 #3 |
  4. User has not uploaded an avatar


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    Posts: 21


    OK, right and wrong. If you take a brand new unit like mine or do a reset, you have no access through the 'media' button until the box has been connected to an antenna and found something. Both Freeview and Freesat boxes do the same.

    In your case, your boxes were setup, initialised, scanned and are working. Now mine have initialised on an antenna they both access the media button just like yours.

    Something else bugging me now. I had a hard drive corruption on my Freeview box. I was able to recover about 400Gb of recordings and get them on to a new 1Tb drive. I did not expect this to work, but put the new rebuilt drive back and can access all my saved recordings. However, if I steal a SD .ts file off the new working drive, it will not replay on any PC player. I expected this from HD recordings, but not SD as well. If I export the same saved short recording to a USB stick, the file hex is exactly the same as that on the HDD and cannot be read either by the Freeview box through its USB port, or on a PC with various stream players.

    More strange is I stole some short ts files off the new Freesat HDR hard drive and they could be read by my PC stream player. I cannot remember if it was a BBC program or not.

    I wonder if the copy protection has given me one life to recover files from my broken hard drive but won't let me do anything else with them. I'm still very curious to get to the bottom of this.

    | Wed 23 Jan 2013 23:38:02 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Did you save the 3 related files .ts .hmt and .nts and restore all 3 and put them in the correct folder used for the box to record to ?

    | Thu 24 Jan 2013 9:35:17 #5 |

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