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Showing 45% usage

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    Joined: Aug '12
    Posts: 18


    My Humax Foxsat PVR is showing 45% usage but there is under 8 hours of video recorded. Any idea why it is doing this and how I can get it back to normal? I've checked and there is nothing in Radio, Music or Photo as I never use these.

    | Tue 8 Nov 2022 21:23:58 #1 |
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    Unless you have the custom firmware, you are limited to using the on screen display and remote to find what's on the disk.

    I'd suspect you've had a recording which hasn't ended when it should due to the end signal being missed (assuming you use auto start/stop) and which may still be running.

    If a recording is on going, you should see a recording icon on screen when you change channel. If you see one when nothing should be recording that'll be it.

    If you only have (what should be) 8 hours of recording, I'd check each one to see how many minutes are listed. I'd guess there is a limit to how many minutes can be listed though so for an excessive recording the figure may not be accurate, but any that show longer than expected could be a problem.

    | Wed 9 Nov 2022 12:04:30 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Gozoman - 15 hours ago  » 
    My Humax Foxsat PVR is showing 45% usage but there is under 8 hours of video recorded. Any idea why it is doing this and how I can get it back to normal?

    Another possible explanation is file system corruption. Either you could try formatting the hard drive via the Foxsat menus or you take the drive out and attach it to a computer running Linux and run fsck to check the file system.

    | Wed 9 Nov 2022 12:29:32 #3 |

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