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Simple way to transfer HD and radio recordings?

(2 posts)
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    Joined: Mar '12
    Posts: 16


    Don't suppose there's a simple way to transfer HD and radio recordings from an HDR FOX T2 to a FVP-4000T? Have a desktop PC with Windows 10, but one machine to the other is what I'd really really like!

    | Tue 21 Jun 2016 15:46:49 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 4,711


    Saralikesradio - 7 hours ago  » 
    Don't suppose there's a simple way to transfer HD and radio recordings from an HDR FOX T2 to a FVP-4000T? Have a desktop PC with Windows 10, but one machine to the other is what I'd really really like!

    You would need to install the custom firmware for the HDR-FOX T2 and the process involves steps that are outside the permitted limits of discussion on this forum. I suggest you ask the question at

    | Tue 21 Jun 2016 23:10:32 #2 |

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