My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

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    Peter R

    Joined: Nov '17
    Posts: 11


    Hello I’ve been trying for hours to find out how to skip adverts by one or two minutes intervals on the new 5000T although it tells you how to set the time difference it’s not very clear how it works, so thought I would try to simplify things for other people with the same problem.
    When watching a programme on playback if you press fast forward it will skip x2 x4 x8 etc but the crucial thing I have realised is that when this is happening this bottom line ie rew play pause fast forward are highlighted blue. use the circular ring to go up to the time lapse line this will now be blue, you can now jump with the same circular ring the one or two minutes you set earlier for jumping adverts.
    When you get the hang of this it takes seconds
    Hope this helps

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 14:02:34 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Welcome to our forum.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 14:08:48 #2 |
  3. Barry


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    Welcome to our Forum

    Already covered in our FAQ's

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 14:17:27 #3 |
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    Peter R

    Joined: Nov '17
    Posts: 11


    Hello Barry
    I beg to differ, because I’ve been trawling through your forum going round and round in circles to find a simple answer to this question.
    On the old posts I managed to find ,the latest one being 2016 it still didn’t spell it out in lay Mens terms also as the 5000T has just come out I was trying to help a new owner go straight to the answer

    Peter R

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 14:28:29 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    Peter R - 3 minutes ago  » 
    Hello Barry
    I beg to differ, because I’ve been trawling through your forum going round and round in circles to find a simple answer to this question.
    On the old posts I managed to find ,the latest one being 2016 it still didn’t spell it out in lay Mens terms also as the 5000T has just come out I was trying to help a new owner go straight to the answer
    Peter R

    I found your post very difficult to understand. To skip 4 minutes forward (the default forward skip is 120 seconds), all you have to do is press the right key 3 times. The first push invokes the progress bar the other 2 is twice 120 seconds.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 14:34:15 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Peter R - 24 minutes ago  » 
    Hello Barry
    I beg to differ, because I’ve been trawling through your forum going round and round in circles to find a simple answer to this question.

    Peter R

    You obviously did not check out the FAQ I have previously linked to then, which btw was published before the FVP units were generally available.

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 14:53:35 #6 |
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    special member
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    Barry, just to thank you for the FAQ's which I've found really very useful. Some may miss that there are two pages .....

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 15:16:00 #7 |
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    Barry - 4 hours ago  » Already covered in our FAQ's

    Yes, the FAQ is most informative but the post in your link is two years old - long before the FVP 5000T even existed - and I wasn't sure if everything in it applies equally to the new model. But now that I've seen your, "Current differences between FVP 4000T and 5000T" post in the FAQ I guess you would have commented there if there was any major difference.

    For those who prefer pictures, there's actually a "How to skip forward during playback" video for the FVP-4000T on YouTube:

    | Wed 8 Nov 2017 19:22:11 #8 |

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