My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Software Update for FVP4000T

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    I phoned Humax about a month ago with various issues one of which was random re-boots and was told there was a software update that would fix this and other problems on the 10th of November but nothing has happened! Then I see other comments on the forum saying there is an update scheduled for the 21st, is this correct!I was told by Humax when I contacted them first of all in an e-mail to do a factory default but it made no difference.

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 8:53:11 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Trialling of latest beta version is currently in progress by members of this Forum.

    No news as to when, and if this beta will be the release candidate.

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 9:33:59 #2 |
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    Hi Barry, thanks for this. Could you please explain the beta testing - why are members of this forum doing it? Are Humax not doing this themselves? It would be interesting to know what your relationship with Humax is - sorry if the information is elsewhere.

    I must say that Humax themselves seem a shambles. If there is still no news on whether this beta fixes anything or will even be released, why would Humax customer support have sent me this last week:

    'I have received information that the full version of the software is to be released on the 21st of this month which will solve all current issues with 4000T units.'?


    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 10:40:03 #3 |
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    Hi Barry.
    So what happened to the software update for the 10th! I was told I didn't have to do anything as long as my box was connected to the Internet then it would load. Are you saying that there wasn't an update yesterday and I have to wait until the trials are completed, if so how long will that take!

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 11:22:51 #4 |
  5. Barry


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    Of course Humax are testing themselves, but it also helps if users outside of Humax help in testing as well, especially now with 'connected' devices - different ISP's, Routers, Speed, How connected etc etc.

    I do not agree with your comment re Humax, having access to Managers at Humax Towers, and receiving regular updates, I have learnt over the years how dedicated the engineering team are. They work long hours and some spend a lot of time away from home in an effort to improve products.

    My relationship - Over 10 years ago (Aug 2004 iirc) I asked Humax Support for news on software for the 8000T and was surprised to receive a response from the Technical and Service manager with beta software, I spotted a couple of problems, and the rest is history, they continued to provide software for me to feedback on.

    Humax do not employ me, and I do not receive any form of payment. The only 'benefit' to me is I get an early look see at new products, and software.

    This Forum was set up over 5 Years ago with the primary aim to help UK owners of Humax STB and PVR products (after the demise of previous incarnation of a dedicated forum - the less said about that the better) and is probably the most popular - closing in on 10,000 genuine members. We even got a mention on the BBC news site in 2012!

    We have a couple of hidden areas on the Forum for Freesat, and Freeview which are used by volunteer and/or invited members, who partake as beta testers to provide feedback, and are read by managers at Humax and Freesat.

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 11:52:51 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    BigJohn66 - 30 minutes ago  » 
    Hi Barry.
    So what happened to the software update for the 10th! I was told I didn't have to do anything as long as my box was connected to the Internet then it would load. Are you saying that there wasn't an update yesterday and I have to wait until the trials are completed, if so how long will that take!

    I have not been advised of dates, so therefore can only assume the problems found during testing of the release which could have been used to meet that date, has caused a delay. Another beta has since been released and is currently being tested.

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 11:56:54 #6 |
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    Barry - 56 minutes ago  » 
    Of course Humax are testing themselves, but it also helps if users outside of Humax help in testing as well, especially now with 'connected' devices - different ISP's, Routers, Speed, How connected etc etc.
    I do not agree with your comment re Humax, having access to Managers at Humax Towers, and receiving regular updates, I have learnt over the years how dedicated the engineering team are. They work long hours and some spend a lot of time away from home in an effort to improve products.
    My relationship - Over 10 years ago (Aug 2004 iirc) I asked Humax Support for news on software for the 8000T and was surprised to receive a response from the Technical and Service manager with beta software, I spotted a couple of problems, and the rest is history, they continued to provide software for me to feedback on.
    Humax do not employ me, and I do not receive any form of payment. The only 'benefit' to me is I get an early look see at new products, and software.
    This Forum was set up over 5 Years ago with the primary aim to help UK owners of Humax STB and PVR products (after the demise of previous incarnation of a dedicated forum - the less said about that the better) and is probably the most popular - closing in on 10,000 genuine members. We even got a mention on the BBC news site in 2012!
    We have a couple of hidden areas on the Forum for Freesat, and Freeview which are used by volunteer and/or invited members, who partake as beta testers to provide feedback, and are read by managers at Humax and Freesat.

    Hi Barry - thanks for that, it's useful to know your history with them. This is my first Humax product and my dealings with customer support haven't been great so far and there have been all these recent issues with the 4000, hence my view of them so far. It's encouraging to hear your positive view of them over a longer period of time however. If they can iron out a few of the issues I'm sure I'll be more than satisfied with the box. One thing that has helped is the remote I had with a BT box happens to work with the 4000 and it's made things a lot more bearable. In my experience the remote provided is awful, having to repeatedly hit the same button for anything to happen is so frustrating - it's this kind of thing that gives a poor impression of a product from a company can surely ship a decent remote with their flagship (or any other) product.

    Thanks for your reply and the work with the forum.

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 13:02:02 #7 |
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    I forgot to add one of the software features that should be changed IMO is when deleting an episode of a series, it goes straight to the "cancel series" option - it's easy to go on to select this by mistake, especially when you don't know you don't know how many times you are going to press a button on the remote before you can be sure it's carried out the command.

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 13:07:53 #8 |
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    This is my first Humax purchase also and I bought it on it's reputation but I feel that it's the same old story, launch a product before it's ready and then get the buyers to iron out all the problems. Seems to me that this is the modern world when you can never rely on a new product working first time. So far I'm not impressed with the customer service from Humax, sure they respond quickly enough to e-mails and phone calls but they all differed in the advice they gave me, perhaps they need to be trained using the same manual! Oh well I have so much recorded on my box now that even if I wasn't satisfied and wanted my money back it's far too inconvenient.

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 13:15:42 #9 |
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    Well this bloody box has rebooted again near the end of a program I was watching on the hard drive and as it won't go back to where it left off before it crashed I have had to search for where it stopped. All I can say is I'm glad I wasn't recording anything at the time

    | Fri 11 Nov 2016 21:16:54 #10 |

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