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Software updates.

(3 posts)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,068


    There is no overnight check for new software with this unit.

    1. You can check for updates manually via setting menu or

    2. Unit checks for new software each time it is placed into full standby ie not recording. If update found it is downloaded OTA or IP.

    | Wed 6 Mar 2013 11:34:46 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,068


    Instructions for updating via usb HDR Units:

    Download instructions:

    1. Extact the ZIP file downloaded if necessary.
    2. Check the file name is “hdr1000s_upgrade.hdf” (you may not need to rename the file or change the extension)
    3. Connect the USB memory stick to the PC / laptop and copy the file to a root folder of the USB. (Do not place the file in a folder)
    4. Disconnect the product from the mains socket / remote the power cable from the rear.
    5. Insert the USB memory stick from your PC / laptop and connect the USB to the front or rear USB connection on the HDR-1000S / HDR-1010S.
    6. Press and hold the Channel DOWN button on the front of the product and connect to the mains / connect the power cable.
    7. The Download progress will appear on your TV screen / the front display of the product
    8. When the download is completed END will appear on the front display
    9. To complete the download:
    a. Remove the USB memory stick
    b. Press the Standby button on the front of the product or power off and on from the mains

    Note: USB Pen must be formatted in FAT32
    The software must be on the root directory of the USB Pen (i.e. not saved in a folder)
    If the update does not start then please make sure the filename is correct (hdr1000s_upgrade.hdf)
    The file you download will already have the ".hdf" extension, there is no need to add the ".hdf" extension; your Windows explorer options maybe hidding filename extensions.
    Not all USB Pens will be recognised, try a different USB Pen.

    | Mon 22 Sep 2014 12:04:23 #2 |
  3. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,068


    Instructions for updating via usb HB units:

    Download instructions:

    1. Extact the ZIP file downloaded if necessary.
    2. Check the file name is “hb1000s_upgrade.hdf” (you may not need to rename the file or change the extension)
    3. Connect the USB memory stick to the PC / laptop and copy the file to a root folder of the USB. (Do not place the file in a folder)
    4. Disconnect the product from the mains socket / remote the power cable from the rear.
    5. Insert the USB memory stick from your PC / laptop and connect the USB to the rear USB connection on the HB-1000S.
    6. Press and hold the Standby button on the front of the product and connect to the mains / connect the power cable.
    7. The Download progress will appear on your TV screen / the front display of the product
    8. When the download is completed END will appear on the front display
    9. To complete the download:
    a. Remove the USB memory stick
    b. Press the Standby button on the front of the product or power off and on from the mains

    Note: USB Pen must be formatted in FAT32
    The software must be on the root directory of the USB Pen (i.e. not saved in a folder)
    If the update does not start then please make sure the filename is correct (hb1000s_upgrade.hdf)
    The file you download will already have the ".hdf" extension, there is no need to add the ".hdf" extension; your Windows explorer options maybe hidding filename extensions.
    Not all USB Pens will be recognised, try a different USB Pen.

    | Thu 18 Aug 2016 10:55:15 #3 |

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