My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Sound on HD Channels

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    new member
    Joined: Feb '14
    Posts: 1



    Sorry if this has been discussed before but I cant find it relating to the Humax 2000t. I have the Humax 2000t connected via HDMI to a sony kdl42w653. I've noticed that when on HD channels the volume does not change via the control. Are there any consequences to this? In addition any solutions?


    | Thu 6 Feb 2014 22:29:53 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Apr '11
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    There have been a few threads on the subject for the similar HDR-FOX T2. I think they were mostly on rather than here.

    Have you tried changing the Audio output to stereo?

    MENU >> Preferences >> Audio >> Digital Audio Output >> select 'Stereo'

    | Thu 6 Feb 2014 23:13:40 #2 |
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    senior member
    Joined: Sep '13
    Posts: 73


    IIRC the Humax will pass a stereo signal at different volumes, determined by its volume control, but will pass HD signals, with the possibility of multiple surround sound channels, at full strength only. To use the Humax volume control on HD, therefore, you need to set the audio output to stereo, as Luke suggests. Personally I enjoy the surround sound the Humax delivers, so I use my amplifier's volume control (operated by the TV) instead.

    | Fri 7 Feb 2014 1:02:17 #3 |

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