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start & stop times during world cup & wimbledon

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    During the World Cup & Wimbledon when the schedules changed due to extra time or overruns of matches etc on BBC many scheduled recording started early and finished early or started late etc.My Humax HDR-Fox T2 seemed to cope with all the changes succesfully and recorded the set programmes. I have looked at this forum every day but have not seen any other comments on this problem.Has anyone else experienced this.

    | Wed 18 Jul 2018 14:45:52 #1 |
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    I had trouble with programmes like EastEnders where the time would change by about 10 minutes, but instead of the recording time being adjusted it still recorded the original time.

    The Guide showed the new times, yet despite this the recorder kept to its original schedule. I thought the idea of it starting up 15 mins before its recording time was to check for any changes to the guide and adjust timers accordingly.

    I just put it down to yet another 'quirk' of the FVP

    | Wed 18 Jul 2018 17:21:25 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    ITV-HD screwed up the CRID's resulting in no recordings of Emmerdale and Corrie on both Freeview and Freesat. Only way to reliably record was to use ITV 2 which didn't show any football.

    Any Freeview/Freesat box would have the same issues if the broadcasters don't correct the CRID's and send the correct change of state signals to start and stop recording. Had Harters been watching the now/next data pretty sure he would have seen this changed after the programme had actually started.

    Garbage in/ Garbage out

    | Wed 18 Jul 2018 18:05:23 #3 |
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    Yes I have just noticed some of these schedule change issues, Tuesday 3rd July Ackley bridge due at 20.00 was screened on Wed 4th but it recorded Location location on Tuesday and missed rescheduled programme on the Wednesday
    Inspector George Gently Ep 2/2 7th July scheduled to start 20.05 delayed by 30 minutes but recorded for 1.25 from the scheduled time missing the last half hour of the programme
    I don't know about SMART TV "I don't care about your ID you're here and at the time on my card so in you go"

    | Thu 19 Jul 2018 7:51:47 #4 |

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