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Streaming from Laptop to Humax / USB playback

(4 posts)
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    Joined: Apr '14
    Posts: 13



    I recently got a HDR 2000T for a present. I have two problems.

    1. I connected the humax to the LAN (BT Homehub 3) via ethernet originally, however I recently purchased an Edimax dongle (7711usn 3dbi). I just plugged it into the Humax and set up the wireless connection to the homehub which works fine.

    My problem is streaming from my laptop (Windows 7). I have media sharing switched on both Windows Media Player and Div-x media server (DNLA compliant). I have tried to add the humax as a device to the laptop in order to stream. However, the Humax does not appear as a device on the laptop. If I try to connect to the network server in the humanx, it says connecting but comes back with 'no server found'.

    What am I doing wrong ? My PS3 connected up to the laptop easily, but I am mystified why the humax doesn't show as a device that I can add to my homegroup.

    2. My second problem is when connecting a hard drive through the USB. Only AVI files are found. I have a number of div-x (mkv) files that the humax doesn't find (the folders don't even show up). I thought mkv files should be playable on the Humax.

    Any ideas ?

    | Mon 7 Apr 2014 9:47:40 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to the Forum

    Have you enabled Content Share in the internet settings menu on the 2000T

    | Mon 7 Apr 2014 14:12:49 #2 |
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    Posts: 13



    Thanks. I have enabled content share and also FTP. I did this before setting up the wireless connection. Do you think its worth turning off and then back on to see if that makes a difference ?

    | Mon 7 Apr 2014 14:35:22 #3 |
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    Posts: 13


    Thanks for the help. I decided to check the PS3 last night after checking the laptop permissions and humax. Funnily enough the PS3 could not see any of the media servers. So I reset the router, and low and behold the servers appeared. The humax then discovered the laptop media server (Windows media) and connected easily. However, it doesn't see my Div-x Media Server which is a shame as this is where most of my video media is.

    Are there any good media servers which the humax will recognise ?

    | Tue 8 Apr 2014 9:02:51 #4 |

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