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Subtitles on a USB video?

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    Victor Delta

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    I have a video file in mkv format which has subtitles in 3 (optional) languages (works perfectly when played with VLC media player on a PC).

    I copied the file on to a USB and plugged it in to my HDR 2000T. Although the video plays perfectly from a sound and vision point of view, pressing the SUB button does not produce any of the subtitles.

    Do I need to convert the file to a particular format to make the subtitles work, or will they never work with a USB file?

    | Mon 24 Nov 2014 19:45:14 #1 |
  2. jamonbread


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    I can't get subtitles to work using the media player. Neither embedded sub files or separate srt files are detected.

    | Wed 18 Feb 2015 16:01:20 #2 |
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    Resurrecting Subtitles after Copy/Move to USB/Hard Drive

    I have a Humax fvp5000t but I hope this should work for older models too.

    You've Copied or Moved a programme to your USB stick or Hard Drive and some time later you'd like to watch it again with the Subtitles still intact ... do this:

    1) Make sure the programme files are in THE EXACT SAME FOLDER on your USB stick or Hard Drive that they originally appeared in after the initial Copy or Move from your Humax;

    2) This means that when you plug in to the Humax the programme title will appear in your RECORDED PROGRAMMES LIBRARY list;

    3) Play the programme from the RECORDED PROGRAMMES LIBRARY list and the Subtitles will reappear in the original broadcast format - big, colourful and on a black background.

    | Tue 27 Feb 2018 15:26:02 #3 |
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    Rixx - 59 minutes ago  » 
    Resurrecting Subtitles after Copy/Move to USB/Hard Drive
    I have a Humax fvp5000t but I hope this should work for older models too.
    You've Copied or Moved a programme to your USB stick or Hard Drive and some time later you'd like to watch it again with the Subtitles still intact ... do this:
    1) Make sure the programme files are in THE EXACT SAME FOLDER on your USB stick or Hard Drive that they originally appeared in after the initial Copy or Move from your Humax;
    2) This means that when you plug in to the Humax the programme title will appear in your RECORDED PROGRAMMES LIBRARY list;
    3) Play the programme from the RECORDED PROGRAMMES LIBRARY list and the Subtitles will reappear in the original broadcast format - big, colourful and on a black background.

    This thread is concerned with playing programmes through a HDR-2000T/1800T which wern't recorded on a similar unit.
    You 'solution' is about recordings made by the unit itself.
    The two scenarios are not the same.

    No such jiggery is require for the HDR-2000T/1800T to play back subtitles from a USB stick where it recorded the programme itself.

    | Tue 27 Feb 2018 16:30:12 #4 |
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    Thanks for that info, Luke.

    | Tue 27 Feb 2018 16:49:17 #5 |
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    Victor Delta

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    Sometime after my original post, I discovered the answer to this (or at least, one possible solution).

    I used the Freemake Video Converter (beware the unwanted programmes when installing it) to add the subtitles and then rerecord them on the video file itself.

    This works pretty well although, once done, you cannot of course switch them off!

    | Tue 27 Feb 2018 17:19:33 #6 |

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