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Subtitles on BBC Three HD and BBC Four HD

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    Today the subtitles seem to be fine, I'm currently watching Mastermind and they are keeping up. I did report it to BBC engineering but I'm fairly convinced it was my box since they came back on a reboot.

    | Tue 31 Dec 2013 19:13:04 #21 |
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    I agree it's probably the box in both our cases.

    I have a theory, possibly wacky, that it might be connected to another problem that appears when the box has been on for several hours. The menu overlays go haywire, with options being invisible or unreadable. I've turned off the transparency gimmick to see if that makes a difference.

    | Tue 31 Dec 2013 19:32:46 #22 |
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    I get that problem too.

    Subtitles are still working fine though!

    | Wed 1 Jan 2014 9:30:28 #23 |
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    I got the missing subtitle issue from time to time and mostly (if not always) on HD channels.

    Yesterday I was recording a programme on BBC 1 HD and watching it live. It was impossible to get subtitles (though they were fine on the SD channel). After the recording finished, I cycled power and went to play back the recorded programme and surprise surprise, the subtitles are fine on that.

    This clearly suggests a defect in the HDR-2000T's software rather than a problem at the broadcasting end: Does anyone know the procedure to report these issues to Humax so they can get fixed?


    | Thu 2 Jan 2014 22:19:09 #24 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    qx4321 - 38 minutes ago  » 
    Does anyone know the procedure to report these issues to Humax so they can get fixed?

    Posting them here with the sort of detail you have provided is a pretty good method. You can also try emailing Humax support.

    | Thu 2 Jan 2014 22:59:51 #25 |
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    Software bug or hardware fault. Who knows.

    I'm taking mine back, once I've watched my way through the recordings. Shouldn't take long, since many of the recordings are virtually unwatchable (for me) due to the vanishing subtitles.

    | Thu 2 Jan 2014 23:01:14 #26 |
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    Experimenting, I've removed the aerial feed from the Humax and given it to my old Sony PVR. Flylead from Sony to Humax.

    This seems to have had the desired effect of improving the signal on the new HD channels. Now to see if it makes any difference with regard to the subtitles.

    | Wed 15 Jan 2014 16:42:23 #27 |
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    Now to see if it makes any difference with regard to the subtitles.


    | Wed 15 Jan 2014 21:25:01 #28 |

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