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Suddenly lots of "failed" recordings

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    Posts: 30


    Over the past week, we've noticed a lot of our recordings listed with the "broken recording" icon. Prior to that, they always showed an image from the first frame of the recording.

    All the "failed" recordings play back correctly, but they start with a message in yellow at the top of the screen saying that the recording has failed for some reason or other. So far, it's reported "no signal", "power failure" and "no programme broadcast at that time". I'm prepared to accept a signal glitch, but the other reasons seem somewhat random.

    Has anyone else experienced this recently? Could it be a coincidence that there's been a software update this week? I know our software has updated because of the HDD stats at the top right-hand corner of the recordings screen and the addition of the "Recent" category (whatever that is).

    (I'm sorry the update didn't address the silly issue of playback defaulting to the newest programme in the series.)

    | Sat 22 Apr 2017 9:56:52 #1 |
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    Ours has always done this for BBC4 recordings, I'd always assumed it was linked to it being a 'part time' channel but they have always played back fine (touch wood)

    | Sat 22 Apr 2017 20:04:24 #2 |
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    Sadly, this isn't linked to only BBC4 recordings, and it's only just started happening. The warning about "no programme broadcast on this time" is by far the most frequent. Strange, really, as we plan all our recordings from the EPG and the recordings all start at the beginning of the programme and finish at the end...

    | Sun 23 Apr 2017 11:07:32 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    mrbutt89 - 35 minutes ago  » 
    Sadly, this isn't linked to only BBC4 recordings, and it's only just started happening. The warning about "no programme broadcast on this time" is by far the most frequent.

    Could you give us some examples of failed recordings (Channel, program name, date/time and whether anything else was recording simultaneously)?

    | Sun 23 Apr 2017 11:44:39 #4 |
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    Good idea. I'll keep a log over the next few days.

    | Sun 23 Apr 2017 12:45:40 #5 |
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    Well, it seems it's all settled down. Everything's been fine since Sunday, so I'm hoping it was just one of those things that happen from time to time.
    Thanks for your help.

    | Wed 26 Apr 2017 17:11:55 #6 |

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