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surround sound problems

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    Hi - I have been away for a while so have not watched much TV but have noticed that I no longer seem to be able to get surround sound from my HDR FOX T2. I suspect the problem is since the retuning after the switch off of analogue, but I can't be sure.

    I certainly used to get multi-channel on most HD channels and most films through the Humax but now it shows up on the AV receiver (Denon 1910) as Prologic II C (used to show up as milti-channel)but it is certainly not surround sound. The rear speaker seem to be making some faint noise but might as well be off for all the good they are doing.

    Everything works fine from Bluray but signals from the TV and through the Humax seem to have lost the surround sound.

    I have checked the humax settings to ensure it is set to output multi-channel audio but it does not seem to make any difference.

    Did something happen at switch over that would explain this and does anyone have any suggestions for fixing it?



    | Fri 8 Jun 2012 23:10:37 #1 |
  2. ezra pound

    ezra pound

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    Some general notes:-
    1) Multi-channel sound e.g. DD5.1 is only transmitted on the 4 Hi-DEF channels and even then not always
    2) DD5.1 must be carried directly to the A/V amp via Toslink or HDMI, Most TV's won't pass through DD5.1 over Toslink
    3) BBC HD preview shows a Multi-channel sound test video, (It's worth recording for Testing purposes)

    | Sun 10 Jun 2012 11:38:07 #2 |
  3. LokiUK


    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 19


    Does the HDR record both the stereo AND the surround audio streams when you record a program? I ask because although I seem to get 5.1 sound on live HD programming, I've yet to get it on and recorded HD films. Maybe I've just been unlucky

    | Thu 28 Jun 2012 10:00:43 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    LokiUK - 44 minutes ago  » 
    Does the HDR record both the stereo AND the surround audio streams when you record a program? I ask because although I seem to get 5.1 sound on live HD programming, I've yet to get it on and recorded HD films. Maybe I've just been unlucky

    It records all the audio tracks there are. Just unlucky I guess many are in stereo only.

    | Thu 28 Jun 2012 10:46:55 #4 |
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    Select the info button whilst watching a progam.It will tell you the sound and picture status
    My yamaha ysp 2200 surround light only comes on some BBC and the dolby indicator never comes on the info panel.Does come on on dolby on info bar on the tv
    All very odd and not apparent to the user.Goodness knows how elderly folk using it as a replacement manage

    | Sat 11 Aug 2012 21:41:33 #5 |
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    Owen Smith

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    ITV1 HD is always stereo. Most shows on BBC HD channels and C4 HD are in stereo. Look for feature films for a good chance of 5.1 sound. Only one soundtrack is broadcast (plus audio description), there isn't the bit rate to broadcast both stereo and 5.1. What you get live and recorded are exactly the same, if the Humax didn't record the 5.1 stream then there would be no audio at all.

    | Sun 12 Aug 2012 11:22:01 #6 |

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