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The clock time

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    Joined: Jul '12
    Posts: 14


    Noticed the clock times on both boxes keep being a few minutes out which makes it a bit hit or miss with recordings clipping the start or end. Would there a battery or something that's causing it (like on a computer)

    | Fri 29 Apr 2022 16:11:14 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    TrancePants - 3 hours ago  » 
    Noticed the clock times on both boxes keep being a few minutes out which makes it a bit hit or miss with recordings clipping the start or end. Would there a battery or something that's causing it (like on a computer)

    The clock time comes from the broadcast stream and is updated when the box boots. It does drift a bit but providing you are using accurate recording (rather than padding) it shouldn't affect recording accuracy. If you really want accurate time then install the custom firmware and use the ntpclient package to update the time via your internet connection.

    | Fri 29 Apr 2022 20:08:26 #2 |

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