My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

The noise as disappeared

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    Hi all,I have been looking at ways to reduce the noise from my 2000t
    I connected four quite large rubber feet.
    The result is amazing silence at last
    It won't work for everyone but it's worth a try

    | Sat 23 Sep 2017 6:38:45 #1 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Its whatever works for you but knowing the issues of the 2000T hard drive noise I would be surprised if only that has worked.

    What sort of noise was it please?

    In my case several factors contributed to a loud hard drive noise.

    The drive itself wasnt particularly silent in operation but this was amplified by no damping on its plastic shelf and a metal casing which amplified every noise and movement of the heads.

    The metal casing was so thin that it was the thinnest sheet of metal they could get away with. The way the lid sat on highpoints was just amplifying all resonances but it was more complex than that as even a book placed on top did not work. I tried feet sorbothane pads and other pads underneath

    I had to do a fair bit of work inside to reduce the noise. When I first inspected it removing the lid reduced the noise dramtically which sounds crazy. Obviously I cant run it safely with the lid off so I set about working on it.

    In the interests of safety I dont recommend this to anyone and I generally know what I am doing. It voids the guarantee but I was prepared to take that chance

    Its a known issue with at least a batch of 2000Ts. Some people live with it and think its normal. Quite a few complained in reviews but more should have done. I couldnt live with it and I should probably have taken it back before sorting it myself

    All the best

    | Sun 24 Sep 2017 7:00:41 #2 |
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    Hi the noise was humming noise,
    The noise was there when the machine was in standby. I have started using it again,without the noise it's a excellent machine
    Yours george

    | Sun 24 Sep 2017 7:20:29 #3 |
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    Minstrel SE - 5 hours ago  » 
    Its whatever works for you but knowing the issues of the 2000T hard drive noise I would be surprised if only that has worked.

    rexleroy first posted about his HDR-200T almost three years ago and so presumably it is one of the older hardware versions with the full 3.5" HDD chassis and dampeners, plus a fan.

    | Sun 24 Sep 2017 12:35:58 #4 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Luke - 17 hours ago  » 

    Minstrel SE - 5 hours ago  » 
    Its whatever works for you but knowing the issues of the 2000T hard drive noise I would be surprised if only that has worked.

    rexleroy first posted about his HDR-200T almost three years ago and so presumably it is one of the older hardware versions with the full 3.5" HDD chassis and dampeners, plus a fan.

    Yes I wouldnt have minded that model. I am aware of the first version and can only assume they changed it to further save on cost.

    It niggles me because I would have thought no fan was a bonus but not if the raspy and clicky heads are amplified so loud as to be annoying(its not just the hard drive on its own) Ive never minded a small bit of fan noise or disc spinning noise. The first version looks well damped and covered in the hard drive area

    In a quiet room I could hear it humming but thats nothing compared with the horrendous head noise I heard. I wish I had made a video because it had to be heard to be believed.

    Oh well as I said its what works for each person
    Best wishes

    | Mon 25 Sep 2017 5:47:07 #5 |
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    I experienced the annoying humming too. I couldn't work out where it was coming from at first - it appeared to be on the other side of the room. I have wooden cabinet and wooden floors in my lounge; which doesn't help with vibration damping. I eventually worked out it was my Humax; both On and in Standby mode.

    I added 4 soundproof mat squares under the Humax feet and it cured the problem. Similar experience to rexleroy.

    Definitely worth a try as it is hopefully a cheap, quick and simple fix.

    | Tue 4 Sep 2018 15:34:42 #6 |

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