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Thinking of getting a HDR-FOX T2...

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    And I'm going to start by apologising for making this thread, because all of you will be sick of people like me who apparently haven't read the FAQs, read the forum (I got to page 10), or read reviews. The trouble is that there are so many 'opinions' out there that are either out of date now (as firmwares are released), are simply wrong, or because new stuff, like custom firmwares, have been done since.

    I currently have an old SD Toppy, with lots of TAPS which I like, although it does require a bit more 'managing' than I would ideally like. But that turns it from a mediocre PVR into a very good one, so it's hassle well spent.

    So HDTV, and Freeview+ HD... That's my next move. But reviews and forums seem to suggest the HDR-FOX T2 is a flawed masterpiece. In many ways it is, apparently, brilliantly first-class, but has some serious shortcomings or problems.

    I've read about recording lists being lost on power down. Remotes seemingly hanging as the unit gets confused about which channel it's meant to be on locking you out of live-pausing of TV etc. Series Links not always working if you're away for a while (but no idea what people's definition of "a while" is). Green screens that need the power switched off to cure, which deletes all the timers. Recording or changing channel from the EGP hit-and-miss. The unit can't/doesn't/won't "talk" to a TV and turn it on or off, or select the right input automatically.

    Some of the above are probably myths, user-error, or fixed by now. Other bugs might exist.

    So the question ultimately is, how much of the poor reviews (which are a minority it has to be said) should I pay attention to, and how much of it should I ignore? And can any existing problems be easily cured with alternative firmwares, or are they for the *serious* power-users?

    Apologies again for asking a common question. Please don't flame me too much.

    Edit: I added HDMI auto-switching to the list...

    | Thu 17 Nov 2011 17:39:53 #1 |
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    I don't think it's much of an exaggeration to suggest that most of the thousands of happy owners of the HDR Fox T2 have never heard of this Forum, or the AVForums owners thread.

    I cannot identify with the issues raised by contributors. Mine has given me no trouble since I bought it in May. Never bothered to read the instructions. No need. No failed recordings. No handshaking problems, etc.

    I think that Forums like this are a valuable resource, but can give the impression that the product is deeply flawed. Which it isn't. You will note that the majority of posts are by a small number of hardcore 'enthusiasts', who are in no way representative of the average owner.

    | Thu 17 Nov 2011 18:54:02 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    tristancliffe - 2 hours ago  » 
    I've read about recording lists being lost on power down. Remotes seemingly hanging as the unit gets confused about which channel it's meant to be on locking you out of live-pausing of TV etc.

    Never heard of those two problems and certainly not common.

    Series Links not always working if you're away for a while (but no idea what people's definition of "a while" is).

    That is a known problem but only affects people who use padding (and are away for more than 7 days) rather than active recording. The work around is to use auto on and auto off to bring it out of sytandby for say 15 minutes each day to update the EPG.

    Green screens that need the power switched off to cure, which deletes all the timers.

    The green screen was a significant problem for some people at one time but is not an issue for most people with the latest software. What make and model of TV do you have? Turning the power off certainly does not delete the recording schedule.

    Recording or changing channel from the EGP hit-and-miss.

    Works perfectly for us.

    The unit can't/doesn't/won't "talk" to a TV and turn it on or off, or select the right input automatically.

    This is related to the green screen problem and is not an issue for most people but again depends on the TV.

    So the question ultimately is, how much of the poor reviews (which are a minority it has to be said) should I pay attention to, and how much of it should I ignore?

    I have tried to answer above. In my view the HDR is a good PVR as supplied by Humax and the user community developed firmware is making it even better (as with the Toppy).

    | Thu 17 Nov 2011 20:01:06 #3 |
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    Thank you both of you for putting my mind at rest. I had a funny feeling that it was one of those cases that the internet exaggerates 'bad things'.

    If people have a problem, they write about it constantly and develop an opinion about the brand, the other users etc that is just mad.
    If people don't have a problem, they rarely write about it.

    Toyota Sticking Throttle Pedals. Maybe 20 people had a problem. Over a billion didn't. But apparently every Toyota owner was in risk of his life...

    I shall probably hang on for the January Sales, but I'll get myself an HDR soon!!

    Thanks again.

    | Fri 18 Nov 2011 10:50:58 #4 |
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    As a newbe to this forum I would like to add.
    I have had a Toppy for 2 years and was hoping they would bring out a HD version, I like the taps and how you can update / change things (I do get some help from a friend for this), but in the end I gave up waiting and opted for the Humax Freesat had dish installed by JL and was pleases with the result.

    A few niggles when you go into program guide you loose sound for a few minutes transferring files long winded, on the plus recording easy but limited adjustment compared to Toppy series / power search etc.

    Over time we used the toppy for short / repeat TV programmes, and the Freesat for films etc better quality picture. (Toppy run off new digital aerial installed when we purchased the Toppy.

    Quality Freesat is slightly better that the Toppy.
    Have now purchased a new Humax HRD Fox T2 - 1TB (toppy relegated to son's bedroom)
    The first thing I noticed was the picture quality is better than the freesat (dont know why this is) slightly different programmes between the two Humax's

    Freeview guide has a box top left that shows current tv programme and sound when viewing the tv guide.

    I haven't tried any add on / taps to either the freesat or freeview box as I am pleases with the way they operate (and less agro form others ) as they are both easy to use
    I would have no hesitation in recommending both units with the freeview just out in front with picture quality and the fact that you can view programmes while searching the tv guide

    I managed to get a good deal with price match at JL for the 1TB why wait until after Christmas enjoy it now.

    hope that helps

    | Fri 18 Nov 2011 16:53:59 #5 |

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