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TN5000HD French satellite

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    I have a Humax TN5000HD. A firmware update messed it up last night and I can't get any programmes any more. Apparently it seems to be a widespread issue. Anybody has got it? Can you advise.

    Thank you very much

    | Tue 24 Jan 2017 13:06:42 #1 |
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    hi, i have the same problem which acuured the very same day - no pay channels on TNT,only Cheri25 and few free channels like LCI, Euronews etc. i am planning to send a request to Humax site today to ask some help.
    anybody knows if it is possible to upgrade somehow by satellite TN 5000 HD, i mean, 2 do it onece again? i heard it might help...
    HELP, pls

    | Wed 25 Jan 2017 7:56:22 #2 |
  3. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to our Forum both of you

    Unfortunately we don't have such a unit in the UK, and I can find no info on Humax France website

    Have you tried contacting Humax support locally see the following link for contact details:

    | Wed 25 Jan 2017 8:13:09 #3 |
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    Yes indeed HUmax5000HD models do exist, there are been sold in the UK by all the specialist retailers. Leener I have found a fix to our problem by surfing on the Internet, it resolves 90% of the cases. I tried it and it worked for me and I am located in the UK like yourself. start your box, leave it on France 2 for at least 2 hours(channel 2) (even with the error message). You can turn off your TV screen not the box of course and after 2 hours or so all the missing channels would be available again. Let me know if you have been as successful as myself.
    Hope this works for you. Beatrice

    | Wed 25 Jan 2017 21:30:12 #4 |
  5. Barry


    senior admin
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    Thank you for updating us.

    Admin note: I have removed your email address from the post, if leener wants to contact they PM you.

    | Wed 25 Jan 2017 21:40:34 #5 |
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    I have the same problem but I haven't updated firmware because there is no way to find it.
    No way to tune to any TV signal. Even after factory reset my receiver does not pick up anything.
    Any help?

    | Fri 28 Aug 2020 14:44:19 #6 |

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