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Transfering Recordings to Win 7 64 bit Laptop

(16 posts)
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    David T

    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 19


    Used to transfer recordings OK via USB using ELinker on an XP laptop.

    I recently bought a Win 7 64 bit laptop.
    I want to transfer recordings using USB connection (don't want to open up Hummy)to my new laptop to watch on holiday.

    So is there a program, with GUI, that works with Win7?

    | Sat 19 Mar 2011 19:54:39 #1 |
  2. FenderBender


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 981


    What version of Win7 64 do you have? Microsoft advertise that Win7 Professional and above can run XP mode, but their web page allows you to download it for Home Premium. You can download a fully licensed version of XP that will run in a virtual machine, and it connects to all the same devices that Win7 has access to.

    Go here to select your OS and download the virtual machine and the XP image. Be aware the download is in excess of 500MB.

    | Sat 19 Mar 2011 21:02:11 #2 |
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    David T

    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 19


    As you say it allows Home Premium to Download it, but it doesn't load successfully. Presumably they hope people will upgrade their version of Windows.

    | Sat 19 Mar 2011 23:27:58 #3 |
  4. FenderBender


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 981


    Do you have a copy of XP lying around anywhere on a CD?

    | Sun 20 Mar 2011 8:25:45 #4 |
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    David T

    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 19


    I've never bought Windows separately, but I have every disk that came with every PC/Laptop I've ever bought, but I'm not sure those "recovery disks" are what you mean.

    | Sun 20 Mar 2011 9:27:54 #5 |
  6. myhumax


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    Posts: 453


    Try the alternative to eLinker - Andy Chappell's Media Controller

    Media Controller GUI by Andrew Smith is here:

    Instructions on how to get it working on a Windows 7 64-bit is here:

    | Sun 20 Mar 2011 9:30:27 #6 |
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    David T

    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 19


    Looks worth a try son_t, but frankly I don't think my IT skills, which despite being above average, are up to it; there's a lot of techie-speak in those links. Neither the Humax nor the laptop are play things as such; the Humax is the family's main viewing workhorse (with which I fiddle on a Sunday night at my peril)and the laptop is likewise not exclusively mine to meddle with half-blindly. I really need some easy-to-understand start to finish step-by-step instructions.

    | Sun 20 Mar 2011 17:59:52 #7 |
  8. myhumax


    senior admin
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    I bet you'll get something of an easy-to-understand solution HERE, rather than any other forum... watch this space!

    | Mon 21 Mar 2011 12:42:44 #8 |
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    David T

    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 19


    Still watching

    I'm not particularly interested in squabbles between websites; I just want my questions answered by those who know and care enough to help.

    So anything you can knock up on this would be gratefully received by me and I suspect a few others, as Win 7 64bit Home Premium seems to be the standard supplied in most new PC/laptops.

    | Mon 21 Mar 2011 20:21:17 #9 |
  10. myhumax


    senior admin
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    Posts: 453


    I won't be knocking instructions and posting it here, but as articles for the wiki pages... I'm just saying that won't get this sort of 'guide' on other forums posts...

    I suspect there aren't many users who are new to transfering recordings from their older generation Humax boxes using the latest Windows 7 64-bit laptops! So I don't think my pages will be up anytime soon to cater for the huge number of owners stuck of what to do!!

    If you are really determined then the best way is to help yourself first... You will have to get to grips with installing Humax Media Controller, the USB drivers, and over coming Windows 7 signed drivers requirements...

    If all that goes well, then you need plently of laptop and hummy time as transfers of recording takes forever via the USB connection!

    Watch this wiki link!

    | Mon 21 Mar 2011 21:53:57 #10 |

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