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Transferring HD Recording

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    Joined: May '12
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    So, here's the scenario, I recorded a few BBC HD programs on a new Humax. A few days later the Humax developed a fault and so it was returned to the supplier for an exchange. I transferred the recordings to an external drive thinking I could put it back again when I got the new machine. Well I now have the new Humax and SD recording have been transferred correctly but not the BBC HD ones. I do have a copy of Foxy but haven't been able to do anything. I understand that the encryption is specific to the individual Humax and so am wondering if I'm going to have to lose the recordings. I have already had 2 faulty units and a succession of issues to resolve. The family, not to mention myself are beginning to wonder if this was money wasted and an alternative would have been a better choice, anyone got any advice.

    | Sun 6 May 2012 14:07:16 #1 |
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    Mike_R - 50 minutes ago »
    I do have a copy of Foxy but haven't been able to do anything. I understand that the encryption is specific to the individual Humax and so am wondering if I'm going to have to lose the recordings.

    You have lost the recordings. Foxy enables you to decrypt a recording on the recorder that recorded the programme. You no longer have that recorder.

    | Sun 6 May 2012 14:57:30 #2 |

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