My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

transferring old HDD into new box

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    My HDR Fox T2 is on its way out (almost continual green screen) and I have ordered a FVP4000T. The Fox has a 2TB with lots of saved decrypted TV and MP4 content. I fitted this myself about year ago so it should be good to last a while yet. I have gone for the 500gb FVP4000T with the intention of swapping the 500gb HDD for the one in my Fox. (I know I will void the warranty by opening the case!).

    My question is whether the 4000T will accept the 2tB hard drive WITHOUT insisting on formatting it, and if so will my content be visible?

    Or, will I have to copy the content to my laptop before fitting the 2tb drive into the 400T, and then copy it back once fitted?

    | Tue 11 Dec 2018 15:42:19 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    howsoonisnow - 45 minutes ago  » 
    My HDR Fox T2 is on its way out (almost continual green screen) and I have ordered a FVP4000T. The Fox has a 2TB with lots of saved decrypted TV and MP4 content. I fitted this myself about year ago so it should be good to last a while yet. I have gone for the 500gb FVP4000T with the intention of swapping the 500gb HDD for the one in my Fox. (I know I will void the warranty by opening the case!).
    My question is whether the 4000T will accept the 2tB hard drive WITHOUT insisting on formatting it, and if so will my content be visible?
    Or, will I have to copy the content to my laptop before fitting the 2tb drive into the 400T, and then copy it back once fitted?

    Unless the File and partitioning is correct the 5000T will at a guess format. However if you copy the the recordings to a laptop you should be able to play them back using the 5000T built in DLNA client without having to copy them back at all.

    | Tue 11 Dec 2018 16:31:54 #2 |
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    Hope I have posted in correct place........
    I am now on my THIRD Humax Freesat box in about six years. The original gave up after 18 months, the HDR1000 lasted two years and the HDD failed.I am now on number three and its just over 18 months old and is now doing weird things, change channel can take an age strange coloured lines appear on the screen etc. I duly contacted the friendly guys at Humax and they said they would replace the faulty unit (I thought great service) , now that was on Jan 17th its now heading for TWO months and repeated calls and promises still NO REPLACEMENT.I am not a happy Humax customer.
    Perhaps an irate email to the MD is in order......Any ideas would be useful.

    | Thu 7 Mar 2019 7:10:58 #3 |
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    Hi, I have recently bought the FVP 5000 and also have the FVP 4000, both of these are 500GB and I would like to fit a larger drive preferably 2TB. I am not worried about the previously recorded programs so don't mind if the machine formats during setup.
    Is this feasible, I have done it several times on DTR 1010s and HDR 1000s models But long before I obtained either of these machines I remember reading something about it was not possible to fit the larger drives in the early models of the FVP 4000.
    So my question is simply is there any problem installing the larger drives, I do know I will void the warranty and have to break the seals.
    Thanks, Boyd

    | Fri 16 Oct 2020 17:15:25 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    mactoshb - 38 mins ago  » 
    Hi, I have recently bought the FVP 5000 and also have the FVP 4000, both of these are 500GB and I would like to fit a larger drive preferably 2TB. I am not worried about the previously recorded programs so don't mind if the machine formats during setup.
    Is this feasible, I have done it several times on DTR 1010s and HDR 1000s models

    As far as I am aware there is no problem with fitting a 2TB drive to either FVP.

    | Fri 16 Oct 2020 17:55:28 #5 |

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