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Tunefix problem

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    Hope you can advise. I had everything working smoothly here until the Freeview retune. After this I lost some HD channels but reading here advised I update tunefix and indeed this fixed that issue.

    I have now found an issue with tunefix I cant work around. I had Really set to move to channel 8 prior to the retune but a new Really appeared at 17 after the retune. The Really I had at channel 8 has no signal any more. I cant however get rid of the Really at channel 8. I have removed the rule I added to tunefix to put it there in the first place but it remains. I then asked tunefix to move the new Really from 17 to 8 and I now have Really at channel 8 twice - one that works and one that doesnt.

    I have a similar issue with another channel too (CBeebies HD). I had this in tunefix to appear at 94. In this case I have two of these at the same channel 94 again, one working and one not. With this one though this happened all by itself without my doing anything at all. I have removed the rule to move it to 94 but both still remain and I have nothing at the standard native position for CBeebies.

    Any suggestions?

    | Wed 14 Feb 2018 20:27:03 #1 |
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    gregoryrose - 11 hours ago  » I had everything working smoothly here until the Freeview retune.

    | Thu 15 Feb 2018 7:35:53 #2 |

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